Theology Central
Theology Central exists as a place of conversation and information for faculty and friends of Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Posts include seminary news, information, and opinion pieces about ministry, theology, and scholarship.
Spirit, Soul, and Body, Part Two: What Is The Soul
What is the soul? The Hebrew word is nephesh; the Greek term is psuchē. The Hebrew word is first used for animals. In Genesis 1:21-22, God creates every living creature (nephesh hayah) that moves or swarms in the sea. In 1:24 the cattle bring forth living creatures (nephesh hayah) according to their kind. In 1:30 the land animals, the birds, and the moving things are said to have nephesh hayah—the soul of life—in them. In all these uses, nephesh appears to mean life itself. For animals to have nephesh hayah means simply that they have life in them. They are living beings. For animals, soul is not a part of their being. It is simply their life.
God created the animals already alive, but he made the first human in two stages. First, He fashioned the man’s body from the dust of the ground. Then He breathed life into that body. At that point, the man became nephesh hayah (Gen 2:7). The animals experienced no inbreathing. Their life is not separable from their bodies. For humans, life (soul) and body are distinct. Still, the main point is that humans became living beings.
The words for soul often refer to the animating principle. In this sense, the soul (life) is in the blood (Deu 12:23). The connection between life and blood may be why Scripture views animal death differently than plant death. While plants grow and reproduce, and thus possess a kind of life, they have no blood and hence no “soul.” God told the sons of Israel not to eat blood because the nephesh was in the blood. This means that when an animal loses enough blood, it dies.
Probably this usage of soul is behind the Messianic prophecy of Psalm 16:10. Peter quotes this verse about Christ in Acts 2:27. The verse says that God would not abandon Messiah’s soul in sheol or hades (the realm of the dead). God also would not permit Christ’s flesh to experience corruption. Peter applies this verse at the resurrection (2:31) when God raised Christ alive from the dead. The fact that the psuche of Christ entered hades provides evidence that the soul is distinct from the body.
Sometimes the connection between soul and life is so pronounced that life is the better translation. Examples abound. Herod, wishing to kill the Christ child, was seeking His psuche (Matt 2:29). The Son of Man came to give His psuche a ransom for many (Matt 20:28). The good shepherd gives His psuche for the sheep (John 10:11). Epaphroditus risked his psuche and was near death (Phil 2:30).
Numbers 11:6 contains an interesting metaphorical use. The Israelites in the wilderness grew tired of eating manna. They found God’s provision tiresome. They complained, “Now our soul (nephesh) has dried away.” Here, soul functions in the sense of whatever makes life worth living. Their diet was tedious, so their lives felt intolerable.
Jesus uses psuche in this sense in Matthew 16:25. He challenges His followers that they must not try to keep their psuche. This means that they must not cling to whatever they think makes life worth living. If they try to, they will lose it. But if they lose their psuche for Jesus’ sake, then they will find it. In other words, by giving one’s self up for Christ, one finds what truly makes life worth living.
In both testaments, the soul experiences desires and emotions. In the prelude to the fiery serpents, the children of Israel declared that their nephesh loathed or detested the manna (Num 21:5). Job’s nephesh grieved for the poor (Job 30:25). The rich fool told his psuche to eat, drink, and be merry (Luke 12:19). The psuche of fallen Babylon craved fruits (Rev 18:14).
Perhaps in these instances the word soul is simply being used to designate the self. The term is even used of God in this sense. God promises that His nephesh will not abhor His obedient people (Lev 26:11). On the other hand, if anyone draws back, God’s psuche will have no pleasure in him (Heb 10:38).
An important truth is that the soul can be saved or lost. Peter writes that the goal of faith is “the salvation of your souls” (1 Pet 1:9). This salvation is not directly connected to the fate of the body. One can kill the body without harming the soul (Matt 10:28). But in Gehenna God destroys soul and body together.
The soul can be tempted and led astray. Peter warns against fleshly lusts that war against the soul (1 Pet 2:11). He says that believers were once like wandering sheep. Now they have returned to the shepherd and overseer of their souls (1 Pet. 2:25). Also, apostate teachers lure or entice unstable souls (2 Pet 2:14).
The good news is that even a polluted soul can be purified. Peter addressed those who have purified their souls (1 Pet 1:21). This purification takes the form of “obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren.”
James contrasts good wisdom, which is from God, with a kind of bad wisdom. This bad wisdom leads to jealousy and selfish ambition. According to James, this wisdom is earthly, “soulish,” and demonic (James 3:15). To say that it is soulish is to suggest that it appeals most strongly to the soul.
Why would that be? Perhaps because the soulish person does not welcome the things of the Spirit of God. The things of God are spiritually discerned. Hence, the soulish person sees them as foolishness (1 Cor 2:14).
The words for soul are common in both testaments. Certainly, this summary has not examined every use. Even so, a picture of the soul is beginning to emerge.
The soul is the life principle. All animate creatures, including humans, either are or have souls. In the case of humans, the soul is integrally tied to personal identity. Indeed, soul and self are nearly indistinguishable. The soul is distinct from the body and survives its destruction. It can be tempted. It can wander and return. It can be saved or lost. Evidently, it is also a center of human desire and feeling.
Soulish people do not welcome truth that is spiritually discerned. This suggests a possible distinction between soul and spirit. Does the Bible provide other reasons for distinguishing soul from spirit? We can only answer that question when we examine the biblical uses of the term spirit. That task comes next.
This essay is by Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
Father, Whate’er of Earthly Bliss
Anne Steele (1717–1778)
Father, whate’er of earthly bliss
Thy sov’reign will denies,
Accepted at thy throne of grace,
Let this petition rise:
“Give me a calm, a thankful heart,
From ev’ry murmur free:
The blessings of thy grace impart,
And make me live to thee.
Let the sweet hope that I am thine,
My life and death attend;
Thy presence thro’ my journey shine,
And crown my journey’s end.”

Spirit, Soul, and Body, Part One: Assessing the Problem
Doctrinal controversies go in and out of style. Students of the Bible may debate an issue at one time but find it boring at some later point. Sometimes disputes cool off for a while. They flare up again when someone works out a new potential implication of the argument.
One of these recurring controversies concerns our basic nature. What are we, and what makes us human? Is our material being our real self? Or is the immaterial the real us? Do our true selves live in our bodies, or do our bodies somehow define self-hood? If we are immaterial, how many immaterial parts do we have? Are soul and spirit distinguishable, or are they identical? What about other features such as the heart? How are all these questions related to our creation in God’s image?
Much of this debate went out of style a generation or two ago. Recent perspectives are bringing it to the front again. For example, transgenderism forces us to ask how our bodies relate to our identities. Christian counselors are disputing how souls influence bodies and vice versa. Some theories of sanctification assume that spirit and soul are different. Other theories insist they are the same.
Two views used to be popular. We usually called one dichotomy and the other trichotomy. Sometimes we called them the dipartite and tripartite theories. Trichotomists argue that humans consist of three substances (body, soul, and spirit). Dichotomists see only two elements (body and soul/spirit).
Trichotomists advanced several scriptural evidences to support their position. One text, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, names spirit, soul, and body in parallel. Trichotomists view this parallelism as proof for three equal parts of human nature. They also point to Hebrews 4:12, which says that the Word of God can separate soul and spirit. Then they turn to Mary’s Magnificat. Mary states that her soul magnifies the Lord and that her spirit has rejoiced in God her savior (Luke 1:46–47). Trichotomists see this as another proof that soul is not the same as spirit. They admit that soul and spirit are both immaterial. Yet they insist that soul and spirit are separate aspects of human being.
Dichotomists respond to such arguments point by point. They note that the Magnificat follows Hebrew poetical forms. It employs synonymous parallelism, implying that soul and spirit are identical. Hebrews 4:12 also implies that soul and spirit cannot normally be separated. They note that 1 Thessalonians 5:23 is not the only text to employ a parallelism of human parts. Deuteronomy 4:29 lists heart and soul. Ezekiel 36:26 includes heart and spirit. 1 Corinthians 7:34 points to body and spirit. Matthew 22:37 includes heart, soul, and mind. Mark 12:30 lists four elements: heart, soul, mind, and strength.
It is worth noting that one passage (1 Cor 2:14–3:3) does contrast the soulish or natural human with one who is spiritual. But in this case the reference is to the Holy Spirit, not to a separate part of human nature. The passage also includes references to a “fleshly” or carnal person. The word flesh here refers to the sin nature, not the body. Hence, this passage contributes little to the debate.
Some take all the parallelisms equally. They reason that human nature consists of many elements. These include spirit, soul, body, heart, mind, and others. The problem with this view is that parallelism can mean many things. Sometimes it distinguishes things. Sometimes it makes them the same. Sometimes it indicates other sorts of relationships. The evidence for this view is weak at best.
Others move in the opposite direction. They emphasize the unity of human nature. They see a close connection between the soul and the body. Some even deny that the soul can survive when the body dies. They talk about “soul sleep.” What they really mean is that nothing remains of us after death. We cease to exist, at least for a while. Some even deny the existence of a soul.
Advocates of these views look for biblical evidence. They also introduce philosophical categories. They talk about the difference between substance, accident, and function. This discussion can become complicated. These categories do not always help people think more clearly. The problem is not that the categories are bad. It lies in deciding how to apply them to this discussion.
I would like to take a more fruitful approach. I wish to discover how each individual term is used throughout Scripture. The terms spirit, soul, and body will be most important. The Bible often uses words in a variety of related senses. Perhaps these words will be like that. Once we discover the pool of uses for each term, we will understand how those uses overlap—and where they do not. We can look especially for ways in which the terms relate to each other. Thus, we can gain an inductive impression of what human nature looks like and how it functions.
This essay is by Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
Stand Up, My Soul
Isaac Watts (1674–1748)
Stand up, my soul; shake off your fears,
and gird the gospel armor on;
march to the gates of endless joy,
where your great Captain Savior’s gone.
Hell and your sins resist your course;
but hell and sin are vanquished foes:
your Jesus nailed them to the cross,
and sang the triumph when he rose.
Then let my soul march boldly on,
press forward to the heav’nly gate;
there peace and joy eternal reign,
and glitt’ring robes for conqu’rors wait.
There shall I wear a starry crown,
and triumph in almighty grace;
while all the armies of the skies
join in my glorious Leader’s praise.

Not How It Used to Be
The first two days of March were mild, with temperatures into the 50s Fahrenheit but strong winds. The next day brought changes, and then on Tuesday the snow began to fall. Snow was still coming down Wednesday morning, and the winds had picked up to blizzard velocity. The total snowfall was not great, but it drifted enough to make travel difficult. When the time came for me to go to work, the streets around my home were still impassible.
In the old days, this kind of weather would have closed the seminary or at least made us start late. Knowing about it would have kept some potential students from even considering Central Seminary as an option. Who would want to endure ice and snow when they could have the sunny beaches of Virginia or the Carolinas?
But things have changed. Virtually everything we do, we now do virtually. All our classes meet on Zoom, though local students are still welcome to sit in classrooms. Even our chapel service meets on Zoom (again, faculty and some students attend the physical chapel in Minnesota).
For me, our online presence was great news today. All semester I’ve been scheduled to preach in chapel. I’ve been looking forward to it. And the snow today didn’t slow me down one bit.
I have a little studio in my basement. I use it for teaching online. Today, I used it for preaching the chapel service. I believe that this is the first time I’ve preached a sermon over Zoom. It felt a little odd, and the pacing was difficult, but I was able to complete the sermon.
Usually, I’m sitting in the physical chapel with the faculty. The distance education students are not visible to me. I only see the other professors and a couple of students who are present in the room. It always feels a bit empty.
Today, I preached to a screen full of faces. In fact, I’m pretty sure that all the faces didn’t fit on my screen. What I could see, though, represented a crowd. There was a student in Michigan. There was another in New England. Then several from African nations. At least one from South America—maybe more. And some from Asia. For the first time, I found myself ministering the Word of God by preaching to an audience that spanned the globe.
This is the glory of the brave new world in which we find ourselves. As recently as ten years ago, some of these students would have opted to attend a seminary in a warmer place. Many of them could not have enrolled at any credible seminary because none was available locally. Now the temperature doesn’t matter. God has opened our doors and enlarged our borders in amazing ways.
Twenty years ago, Central Seminary operated a campus in Arad, Romania. We spent years there, eventually training about twenty percent of all the Baptist pastors in that country. We also trained a generation of Romanian professors. That ministry cost us much in terms of time, labor, and treasure. When we had to leave Romania, the experience was wrenching. For me, it was like abandoning a cherished friend.
Now our span goes far beyond one nation. We reach into Zambia, Kenya, and the Congo. We are in South Africa, Brazil, India, and Peru. We visit those places without leaving our own campus and homes. More importantly, our students gain an education without leaving their ministries or countries of residence.
Of course, we do give up some things. Our relationships with our students tend to be less close than they once were. Our ability to respond to hallway conversations or lunch-table questions has shrunk dramatically. These things are a genuine loss. We cannot disciple students in the way we once did.
Yet, our students also gain something. They stay in their home churches, where they are already being nourished and fostered spiritually. If they are pastors, they have an ongoing laboratory in which to implement their classroom learnings. If they are not pastors, then their discipleship comes from the shepherds of their flocks. This is something to rejoice in, because the local church is the center and focus of God’s program on earth.
As a seminary, we have always said that we exist to help local churches. Never has that kind of local-church centered ministry been more important to us than it is now. We happily grant that making disciples is the business of the church, and we rejoice in the subordinate role that God permits us to play.
God has given us around 150 students to equip at different levels. Some are preparing for academic ministry. Some aim to do biblical counseling. Some just want to be better church members, deacons, and Sunday School teachers. But the heart of what we do is still training Christian leaders. We rejoice that God is still sending us pastors and missionaries who are doing His work. We are doing our best to assist their churches in equipping spiritual leaders for Christ-exalting, biblical ministry. We wish—we hope—to keep doing that until Jesus returns.
This essay is by Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
O All Ye Nations, Praise the Lord
Isaac Watts (1674–1748)
O all ye nations, praise the Lord,
Each with a diff’rent tongue:
In ev’ry language learn his word,
And let his name be sung.
His mercy reigns thro’ ev’ry land;
Proclaim his grace abroad;
For ever firm his truth shall stand,
Praise ye the faithful God.

White House Faith Office
On February 7, 2025, President Trump issued an executive order creating a White House Faith Office. The purpose of the office is to empower “faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship to serve families and communities.” This service includes “protecting women and children; strengthening marriage and family; lifting up individuals through work and self-sufficiency, defending religious liberty; combatting anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, and additional forms of anti-religious bias; promoting foster care and adoption programs in partnership with faith-based entities; providing wholesome and effective education; preventing and reducing crime and facilitating prisoner reentry; promoting recovery from substance use disorder; and fostering flourishing minds.” The office is also supposed to advise the President on matters related to these faith-based organizations.
The president means well. The order is a gesture of support toward people of faith. The Biden administration wanted to force us to violate our biblical commitments. This is better. We welcome the attempt to protect religious people from state interference.
But the order also poses problems. One problem is the notion that the government has any business “empowering” faith-based efforts. As a Baptist, I do not look for empowerment to any government at any level. The church’s authority to make disciples comes directly from Jesus Christ. He has received all authority (Matt 28:19–20). He promises that His followers will receive power from His Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). Churches have all the power they need to fulfill their mission. No government has the right to restrict or oppose them as they pursue it. Any government that tries to will answer to Christ (2 Thess 1:4–10).
We do not ask the government to empower us. We simply ask that it get out of our way. We do not deny that we are subject to every rightful law. We insist, however, that no just law can oppose or restrict our obedience to Christ. If we violate rightful laws, then we accept the penalty. Otherwise, we demand in the name of God that the state recognize our liberty to do His work (Acts 27:13). President Trump’s job is to stop the government from interfering with us.
Furthermore, we fear that accepting state support risks government interference. What the government pays for, even if indirectly, it tries to control. Government largess always comes with strings attached. We perceive any offer of state assistance as a poisoned chalice.
We deny, however, that tax exemptions constitute state support. Religious organizations should not pay taxes, except where they work for profit. A rightly ordered church gets its support from the freewill gifts of God’s people. Their resources have already been taxed. Furthermore, taxation is an exertion of authority. It is a form of control. Chief Justice John Marshall noted that the power to tax is the power to destroy. Churches ought to be exempt from taxation because they are exempt from the power of the state to control and destroy.
When the state empowers faith-based organizations, it must make choices between them. President Trump’s executive order certainly does. It says that it will empower faith-based efforts to combat anti-Semitism. But some forms of anti-Semitism are based in faith. In other words, President Trump intends to empower one faith at the expense of another. This is contrary to the role of governments under the New Testament. Far better that our president should echo Gallio: “If it be a question of words and names, and of your law, look ye to it; for I will be no judge of such matters” (Acts 18:15). When faiths are wrong, they should be opposed by sound argument and not by state coercion. Governments should only interfere when people use faith as an excuse to transgress just laws that protect all people. This side of the Millennium, governments cannot rightly enforce one religion over another.
The president must appoint someone to lead the White House Faith Office. That choice necessarily divides. It inevitably gives one faith greater access than another to the president. And President Trump has made a bad choice. He has appointed a Seven-Mountain-Mandate charismatic. She is a leader in the New Apostolic Reformation. She advocates the Prosperity Gospel. She considers herself an apostle. She makes her religion up as she goes. She believes that she has God’s approval for what she makes up. One shudders to think what counsel she might offer the president.
The problem is not just with the president’s selection. He could not select any person to lead this office who would be acceptable. The only acceptable person is one who would refuse the office. The state should keep out of religion. If the state is going to poke its nose into religion, then crazies and hucksters should not be in charge.
If the president wants to create a religious office, it should be an office of religious liberty. That office should hunt down every instance of governmental religious discrimination. It should ensure both non-establishment and free exercise. Such an office would be welcome.
The White House Faith Office is superfluous. It is more likely to become an avenue of state interference than it is to be a help. The best help that the government can give people of faith is to take its hands off all questions of religion. It should protect all its citizens from religious force or coercion. Otherwise, it should get out of the way.
This essay is by Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
Absurd and Vain Attempt
Thomas Scott (1705–1775)
Absurd and vain attempt! to bind
With iron chains the free-born mind,
To force conviction, and reclaim
The wand’ring by destructive flame.
Bold arrogance! to snatch from heaven
Dominion not to mortals given;
O’er conscience to usurp the throne,
Accountable to God alone.
Jesus! thy gentle law of love
Does no such cruelties approve;
Mild as thy self, thy doctrine wields
No arms but what persuasion yields.
By proofs divine, and reason strong,
It draws the willing soul along;
And conquests to thy church acquires
By eloquence which heaven inspires.
O happy, who are thus compell’d
To the rich feast, by Jesus held!
May we this blessing know, and prize
The light which liberty supplies.

The Normal Christian Life
Recently, I wrote about a pivotal moment that changed my Christian journey. One of the responses that I received asked this question: “I was just wondering if you’d call your ‘change’ a surrendering to Christ’s Lordship over your whole life and letting Him live through you?” This question implies more than it overtly asks, and I’d like to respond to it.
Let me preface my remarks with an admission. I have no coherent theory of the Christian life. I’ve studied several, including the Reformed, Wesleyan, Keswick, Free-Grace, and Old Dallas views. Each has strengths, but none of them satisfies the biblical requirements. Each gets something right, but each also gets something wrong.
Let’s start with this question: what does it mean to trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? I reject the suggestion that we can trust Jesus as Savior without trusting Him as Lord (Rom 10:10–13). We have no right to trust a Jesus who is not Lord. He has no right to save us unless He has earned that authority. And He does have authority to save us. He earned it through His obedient life, substitutionary death, and bodily resurrection. So when I trusted Christ to save me, I was relying upon His authority to save.
If Christ has authority to save, then what other authority does He hold? Part of the answer is that our bodies no longer belong to us. We have been bought with a price, and we belong to Christ (1 Cor 6:19–20). Implicit in every act of saving faith is the reality that Christ now owns us.
Yet what is implicit may not always be explicitly recognized. Had the Corinthians recognized their change of ownership, then Paul would not have explained it to them. They were not acting like people whom Christ owned. They were not behaving like temples of the Holy Spirit. In fact, they were carnal—dominated by the flesh (1 Cor 3:1–4). They needed to recognize and act upon the reality of Christ’s ownership.
That does not happen all at once. It is not done by a simple decision, though some decisions certainly move it forward. I trusted Christ as Savior when I was seven years old. I consciously placed my whole life at His disposal when I was eleven. That was my point of conscious yieldedness, of deliberate submission to the will of God in every area of my life. That is when I let go and let God.
Except I didn’t. Nobody does. Ever. We can, so to speak, sign over the title to our lives. We can consciously recognize that Christ has a right to us and to dispose our lives. Whether we do that at our conversion or at some later point, though, it is never complete in practice. We keep our hands on the steering wheel—and we ought to. Christ’s purpose (again, so to speak) is not to drive our car for us. His purpose is for us to become skilled drivers who steer our lives where He wants them to go.
This is the paradox of the Christian life. We are the ones who must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. Yet we can do that only because God is the one who works in us both the willing and the doing of His good pleasure. We dare not detract from either side of that paradox.
In practice, our submission to Christ is always less than complete. We meet new challenges, or we meet old ones again, in which His ownership must be worked out. That is a constant struggle, and it is one in which we often fail. Because of our failures, we need to keep on confessing our sins. When we do, we receive relational forgiveness and cleansing. If we claim that we have not sinned in ways that need ongoing confession, then we call Christ a liar and His word is not in us. (1 John 1:9–10).
This is the process that leads to increasing sanctification. Through it all, Christ is living out His life in us. The Christ-life does not begin with deliberate yieldedness. The Christ-life begins when we trust Him as Savior. It begins when His Spirit baptizes us and comes to live in us (Rom 8:9; 1 Cor 12:13). The indwelling Spirit mediates the indwelling life of Christ from the moment of our conversion (Rom 8:10). The baptizing Spirit joins us to Christ so that our members become His (1 Cor 6:15–16). The indwelling life of Christ is not a separate or special experience or enablement. If we are believers, then Christ is living out His life through us all the time.
Some theories of the Christian life make me suspicious. One is the theory that God has to scare His children into perseverance. He frightens them by threatening them with loss of salvation. Of course, He can’t actually deny them salvation if they have trusted Christ. He doesn’t really mean it. He just wants to shake their confidence enough that they shape up.
Another is the Keswick theory that leads people to profess sinlessness in this life. No version of Keswick erects adequate safeguards against this danger. The theory scares me because I’ve seen how it leads people to deceive themselves. I’ll give an example.
A few years ago I was cycling with a Keswick friend who claimed that, because he was resting in Christ, he no longer sinned. As we pedaled down the trail, a cyclist was veering from side to side toward us. Since I was riding in front, I crowded as far to the right as the trail would allow. Then the approaching cyclist veered to our left and passed. I pulled over and stopped. I commented, “I never know what to do when I see something like that coming at me.”
“Oh,” he pronounced in other-worldly tones, “I don’t even notice when women dress that way anymore.”
I had to back up mentally and replay the episode in my own mind. I eventually recalled two things. First, the approaching cyclist had been female. Second, she was wearing a revealing jersey. That made sense of my friend’s remarks. Then I realized the implications.
First, my friend assumed that I was commenting on the woman’s clothing. Second, by denying that he noticed her revealing clothing, he was admitting that he had noticed it. Third, he was implying that if my sanctification were as advanced as his, then I wouldn’t have noticed, either. So his reply tacitly admitted that he had looked, then lied about it, then accused me of having done what he had actually done. That’s an interesting way to live the deeper life.
I do not claim that my understanding of the Christian life is fully coherent. But it is at least as coherent as the other views I’ve encountered. I don’t know of a systematic theory of the Christian life that doesn’t give up something the Bible teaches. I’m just glad that God sanctifies us in spite of our theories.
This essay is by Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
O for a Closer Walk with God
William Cowper (1730–1800)
O for a closer walk with God,
a calm and heav’nly frame,
a light to shine upon the road
that leads me to the Lamb!
Where is the blessedness I knew
when first I sought the Lord?
Where is the soul refreshing view
of Jesus and His Word?
What peaceful hours I then enjoyed!
How sweet their mem’ry still!
But they have left an aching void
the world can never fill.
Return, O holy Dove, return,
sweet messenger of rest;
I hate the sins that made Thee mourn,
and drove Thee from my breast.
The dearest idol I have known,
whate’er that idol be,
help me to tear it from Thy throne
and worship only Thee.
So shall my walk be close with God,
calm and serene my frame;
so purer light shall mark the road
that leads me to the Lamb.

Turning Point
One of the most important turning points in my life came fifty years ago this month. I had professed faith as a child. I had tried, off and on, to live for the Lord during young adolescence. During my later teen years, however, I ceased to be interested in His will for my life. My heart drew far from Him, and it was still far away when I enrolled in Bible college at 17.
After a semester of living at home, I moved into the dorms. Odd as it may seem, one can find plenty of worldly influences even in an institution dedicated to teaching the Scriptures. I embraced those influences, making a series of bad choices. Oh, I wasn’t doing stuff that would have seemed scandalous, but I was selfish, angry, and proud.
The beginning of my sophomore year was even worse. It was like I’d dropped off a spiritual ledge. I missed required events. My grades plummeted. Life seemed black. I was surly and defiant. A mandatory visit to the dean’s office resulted in a threat of suspension, which only increased my resentment.
Then a residence adviser took me aside and pointed to specific instances where my behavior was affecting other people. For the first time, it struck me that my ideas and conduct had consequences for others. This was not a game. It was a spiritual battle.
Once my eyes were opened, I began to see other damage that I was doing. It was the first time I had examined myself from God’s point of view, and I didn’t much care for what I saw. I knew that something had to change.
By February of 1975, I had come to a point of decision. I understood that living my life selfishly would end badly. I would bring misery upon myself, pain into the lives of others, and reproach upon the name of the Lord. If I did not change, things would only get worse.
The only alternative was to begin living my life for God. In a night of prayer, I told Him that I wanted to do that, but I didn’t know how. He was going to have to show me what it meant to live for Him.
One idea occurred to me immediately. I knew that I had to stop defying those who held authority in my life. Consequently, I told God that I would submit to the institutional rules of my college, even where they seemed inane. After all, who was I to judge what was a worthwhile discipline? I also determined that I would respond instantly and obediently whenever I was rebuked or even counseled by an authority figure. How strange that commitment seemed.
The next day in chapel, an announcement went out that the school’s traveling theater troupe needed an actor to pick up a part. I’d done plenty of theater in high school, so it felt like this was a way I could serve the Lord. The opportunity seemed like my first answer to prayer.
I volunteered for the play, and I was given the part immediately. Within a couple of weeks, I found myself touring around the Midwest, and then eventually the Rocky Mountain West. One challenge that I hadn’t expected was that our faculty director seemed determined to test my resolve. I was sincerely trying to keep all the rules I knew about, but it seemed like he would make up new rules on the spot, and they would apply only to me. To my own surprise as much as to his, I didn’t argue or balk. I just did whatever he said, whether I thought it was necessary or not.
What I discovered was that walking with God was neither helped nor hindered by the number of rules I kept, but it was tremendously influenced by my reasons for keeping them. I didn’t believe then, and I don’t believe now, that either playing or not playing a game like Rook brings one closer to God. But when the faculty director told me to “put those cards away and don’t let me see them again,” I obeyed meekly, for the sake of the commitment I’d made. For the first time, I felt like I was making a choice motivated purely by love for God.
There was a young woman traveling with the crew for the play. She would iron costumes and act as a prompter (I thought that having a prompter was insufferably amateurish, but I never told the director). We had met before, but now we saw each other almost daily. I enjoyed our banter, and I began to look forward to our conversations.
Then, after one performance, a fellow actor asked me, “What do you think of Debbie Wright?”
“She’s a really nice girl,” I said.
Melvin replied, “I think she likes you.”
Those five words redefined my life. I realized that I liked her, too. Really, really liked her.
Debbie and I were too busy to do any dating, but we didn’t have to. Our work in the play brought us together almost every day. As we traveled and worked and talked, my feelings for her warmed. By late April, I knew that this was the woman I wanted to marry.
I started to ask the Lord to let me marry her. I prayed this prayer every day, multiple times a day. As the season ended and we no longer traveled, I found ways to keep seeing her.
Our first date was to our college’s spring banquet. She wore a formal. I wore a tux, cape, and opera hat. The haberdasher forgot to include dress shoes with the tux, so I borrowed a pair from the guy across the hall. I wore size 13. He wore size 10. My feet will never forget that first date.
Debbie graduated that spring. She went home for the summer to her parents’ farm. I made that drive nearly every weekend so that I could keep seeing her. Eventually she landed a job at the college and moved back. That August I asked her to marry me, and she agreed. I still can’t believe it.
People give her credit for straightening me out. She deserves lots of that credit. But the truth is that God was working in my heart before Debbie and I became serious about each other. The Lord had used chastening to get my attention. Now He was showing me how gracious He could be.
Fifty years have passed since that turning point in February of 1975. Debbie and I wed in December of that year, and we have walked together through life’s challenges ever since. She is still really nice. More than that, she is still the principal, human instrument of God’s grace in my life.
This essay is by Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
Happy the Man Who Feareth God
Martin Luther (1483–1546); tr. Richard Massie (1800–1887)
Happy the man who feareth God,
Whose feet His holy ways have trod;
Thine own good hand shall nourish thee,
And well and happy shalt thou be.
Thy wife shall, like a fruitful vine,
Fill all thy house with clusters fine;
Thy children all be fresh and sound,
Like olive-plants thy table round.
Lo! to the man these blessings cleave
Who in God’s holy fear doth live;
From him the ancient curse hath fled
By Adam’s race inherited.
Out of Mount Zion God shall send,
And crown with joy thy latter end;
That thou Jerusalem mayst see,
In favor and prosperity.
He shall be with thee in thy ways,
And give thee health and length of days;
Yea, thou shalt children’s children see,
And peace on Israel shall be.

Justice, Wrath, and Propitiation
[This essay was originally published on August 2, 2013.]
The gospel reveals many aspects of God’s character. It certainly reveals His love, mercy, grace, goodness, and kindness. If we want to know whether the true and living God is a God of love, all we have to do is to look at the cross. Yet the gospel reveals more than God’s love: it also reveals God’s justice (Rom. 1:17).
Many English translators use the word righteousness for the Greek term dikaiosunēs. Unfortunately, the contemporary word righteous, like the word sin, has lost much of its denotation and most of its connotation. The alternative term justice, however, strikes exactly the right note. Even people who claim to reject moral absolutes still retain a sense of justice. If you want to see their sense of justice at work, just step in front of them in the queue at the supermarket. Everybody believes in justice. Everybody wants justice, at least for themselves.
Paul says that the gospel (Rom. 1:16) reveals God’s justice (Rom. 1:17). He then draws a direct line from this revelation of justice to the revelation of God’s wrath (Rom. 1:18). He states that God’s wrath is revealed against all the impiety and injustice of humans who suppress the truth in injustice. In other words, the rejection of God’s standard of justice brings with it a moral opprobrium that demands retribution. As a just judge, God must visit retribution upon all injustice (so Paul says) without exception.
The condition of having committed injustice and consequently of meriting retribution is what Scripture calls guilt. In the Bible, guilt is not a feeling but a condition. Guilt is the moral opprobrium that attaches to injustice and demands retribution. When God visits retribution upon the guilty, He is exhibiting what Scripture calls wrath. In other words, divine wrath is not irritability or peevishness. God is not One to pitch a fit like a petulant teenager. God’s wrath is simply His justice directed against guilt in retribution.
God’s justice is at stake in every sinful deed, as we should recognize intuitively. We despise even human judges who knowingly clear the guilty, but at least when human judges become corrupt we can retain some hope that a final judgment is pending. If, however, the final judge, the judge of all flesh and the moral arbiter of the universe, were to clear the guilty—if He were to leave injustices unavenged—then Justice itself would fail. That would be a condition even worse than hell.
But God does not overlook sin. Instead, He reveals His wrath (His determination to visit retribution) upon all human injustice. He reveals His wrath against the injustices of the pagans (Rom. 1:19-32), the injustices of the seemingly (at least to themselves) moral (Rom. 2:1-16), and the injustices of the religious—even when their religion is of God’s own revelation (Rom. 2:17-3:8).
There is no justice without retribution. Retribution means that God will repay each of us according to our individual deeds (Rom. 2:6). More specifically, retribution means that to those who obey injustice, God will repay wrath, anger, affliction, and distress (Rom. 2:8-9). This is exactly what God owes to all humans, for absolutely all humans are “under sin,” which means that all humans bear guilt and merit retribution (Rom. 3:9). Without exception, no one is just (Rom. 3:10).
The fundamental barrier between God and humans is guilt. No matter how much God might love people (and let us grant that He does), He cannot overlook their guilt. He must visit retribution upon them. He must recompense their injustice with wrath.
This is the point at which the cross really matters. To be sure, the cross is an example. It is a moral influence. It is a paid-up ransom. It is the occasion of Jesus’ victory over principalities and powers. It is an illustration of the gravity with which God views infractions of His moral government. It is all these things, but if it were only these things, it could not save us. None of these effects of the cross manages to address the fundamental problem, and that problem is our guilt. Somehow at Calvary God had to remove our guilt, or we would be forever condemned.
Salvation confronts us with a massive paradox. On the one hand, we all sinned and have fallen short of God’s glorious standard, i.e., His justice (Rom. 3:23). On the other hand, God pronounces at least some sinners to be just (i.e., He justifies them), and He does this completely without cost to them (Rom. 3:24). Does not such a declaration of justice constitute a moral contradiction? Does it not implicate God in the unspeakable injustice of clearing the guilty (Ex. 34:7)?
It would, except for the cross. By His cross-work and through His blood, Jesus presented Himself as a propitiatory sacrifice, i.e., a sacrifice that made satisfaction (Rom. 3:25). What did His death satisfy? The entire context gives the answer to this question. By dying on the cross, the Lord Jesus Christ satisfied justice, which is to say that He satisfied God’s wrath. The only way to satisfy justice is through retribution. Guilt must be visited with anger, wrath, affliction, and distress. This retribution was visited upon Jesus Christ, not because He Himself was in any way displeasing to God, but because we were. Our guilt was charged against Him, and He bore God’s wrath as He occupied our place.
God never overlooks guilt. If He could overlook guilt, He would no longer be God because He would no longer be just. True forgiveness does not merely ignore or wink at transgressions. God can forgive sin because He has actually already judged the guilt of every sin at the cross of Christ. Our guilt has received its just retribution in the person of Christ, who has suffered for us the equivalent penalty of wrath, anger, affliction, and distress. God caused our iniquity to fall upon Him (Isa. 53:6).
That is why it is not wrong for God to say that we are just, provided only that we have trusted in the provision of Jesus and that it has accordingly been applied to us. God can pronounce us just because that is how He now sees us. God can remove (expiate) our sins because justice has been satisfied (propitiated). In the cross, God shows Himself to be both just and the justifier of each one who believes on Jesus (Rom. 3:26).
The glory of the cross is that it gives full play to God’s justice (Rom. 3:26) while also giving full play to His mercy and grace. That means that the gospel is not only a revelation of God’s love, but also a revelation of God’s justice. If we want to see the love of God clearly demonstrated, all we have to do is to look at the cross. But that is not all. If we want to see the wrath of God fully demonstrated, we must also look at the cross. The gospel shines the dazzling light of God’s glory upon both.
This essay is by Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
How Long Wilt Thou Conceal Thy Face
Isaac Watts (1674–1748)
How long wilt thou conceal thy face?
My God, how long delay?
When shall I feel those heavenly rays
That chase my fears away?
See how the Prince of darkness tries
All his malicious arts;
He spreads a mist around my eyes,
And throws his fiery darts.
Be thou my sun, and thou my shield,
My soul in safety keep;
Make haste before mine eyes are seal’d
In death’s eternal sleep.
How would the tempter boast aloud,
Should I become his prey!
Behold the sons of hell grow proud
To see thy long delay.
But they shall fly at thy rebuke,
And Satan hide his head;
He knows the terrors of thy look,
And hears thy voice with dread.
Thou wilt display that sovereign grace,
Whence all my comforts spring;
I shall employ my lips in praise,
And thy salvation sing.

Age Brings Choices
Late this summer I will turn 70 years old. I’ve always said that I wanted to work at least until I was 70. Now I’m knocking on that door, but I’m not ready to retire yet. In fact, I want to work harder than ever. Granted, I’m slower at some things, and neither my memory nor my vision is what it used to be. Writing longhand has become difficult. But experience counts for something, and I feel like I can still do a decent job.
It is a bit challenging to try to teach at the seminary while pastoring a church. In theory, my pastorate is part-time, but anyone who has tried knows that part-time pastoring is a myth. From the beginning, however, I determined not to pastor at the expense of my seminary students. So far, I love pouring myself into both responsibilities.
The distance between the seminary and the church poses the biggest challenge. To spend more time at the church, I purchased a second, much smaller home, near its vicinity. The second home has not worked out as well as I hoped. Much of the extra time that I have gained goes into maintenance. Still, I now have a presence in the community, if a small one.
My prayer is that the Lord will grow the church enough to call a full-time pastor. I would love to turn this work over to a qualified, gifted man. Barring a full-time pastor, someone with an outside source of income could be an option.
When that happens, my wife and I expect to remain in the community, though we plan not to attend the church. I want the new pastor to be able to lead without having to compete with me for the hearts of the people. The area is large enough for us to live there without a new pastor tripping over us. At some point we’ll sell our current home and move completely.
When we do, we’ll have to downsize. Our church home is much smaller than our seminary home. We’ve lived in our present home for over a quarter of a century. During that time, we’ve accumulated a lot of stuff. Now we’re selling it, giving it away, or hauling it to the thrift store. In a few cases, we’re tossing it. Nobody wanted my old instruments for adjusting the points in a car’s ignition.
My library presents a problem. I started buying theological books in about 1973. By the 2010s I had accumulated around ten thousand print volumes. Then my students introduced me to two electronic library formats: Logos and Kindle. Since then, I have purchased electronic books whenever I could. I have also given away my print copies when I had the same book in digital format. I tried taking some duplicates to Half Price Books, but what they paid didn’t cover the cost of my gasoline.
I still have five or six thousand print books. If I surrender my study at the seminary, I will have too many books to move. I must make choices about what I will keep and what I will give away.
Losing these books will be a disappointment. Every book I purchase represents an aspiration. I only buy books that I want to read. When I give away a book without reading it, that aspiration has failed. But at some point, realism sets in. I will never get to read that ornate three-volume collection of Van Gogh’s complete letters. I can see it on the shelf as I write. If you want it, you can stop by my study and pick it up.
Not all books are written to be read. Some of them are reference tools. For several years I have been replacing my reference tools with Kindle or Logos editions. These include grammars and lexica for the biblical languages. Greek and Hebrew tools were among the most expensive books I had to buy. Their electronic replacements are a fraction of the cost. The old books are almost impossible to dispose of now. Used bookstores just don’t want them. Most pastors already have electronic copies.
The internet has made some reference tools obsolete. Obviously, printed encyclopedias are a thing of the past. I still have a couple dictionaries of quotations that I never use. Rhyming dictionaries have been replaced by online equivalents. I hate to throw books away, but who would want tools like these?
For that matter, most older books are available as PDF files. I download them regularly from Internet Archive and Google Books. I have tens of thousands of volumes in PDF format, including (e.g.) the whole Migne Patrologiae. These books take up no physical space. I don’t have to worry about disposing of them. Anybody who wants them can get them from the same sources I did.
I know that I must downsize. Still, I would like to take as many real books into retirement with me as I can. But which ones? Age brings choices.
This essay is by Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
God of My Childhood, and My Youth
Isaac Watts (1674–1748)
God of my childhood, and my youth,
The Guide of all my days,
I have declar’d Thy heav’nly truth,
And told Thy wond’rous ways.
Wilt Thou forsake my hoary hairs,
And leave my fainting heart?
Who shall sustain my sinking years,
If God my Strength depart?
Let me Thy pow’r and truth proclaim
To the rising age,
And leave a savour of Thy name
When I shall quit the stage.
By long experience I have known
Thy sov’reign pow’r to save;
At Thy command I venture down
Securely to the grave.
When I lie buried deep in dust,
My flesh shall be Thy care;
These wither’d limbs with Thee I trust
To raise them strong and fair.

A Letter to Donald Trump
Mr. President, congratulations upon becoming the 47th president of the United States. As a minister of the gospel, I don’t typically comment on political matters. But listening to your inaugural address was like opening presents on Christmas morning. Each one got better and better. I want to cheer you on as you begin to work on your goals. I rejoice that you’ve begun to keep your promises.
On January 21, you attended a “prayer” service at Washington National Cathedral. The Rev. Mariann Budde aimed several implicit criticisms at you during her remarks. She pled with you for “gay, lesbian and transgender children” who “fear for their lives.” She advocated on behalf of immigrants who do not “have the proper documentation.” She meant immigrants who have broken laws to enter the United States. She also mentioned those who are “fleeing war zones and persecution,” or refugees. The Rev. Budde offered these rebukes “in the name of God” and under the roof of a church that claims to be Christian.
Before I respond to Rev. Budde’s remarks, I have a broader observation. The United States Constitution denies Congress the right to establish a religion. We must not call any church a “national” cathedral. I am a Baptist. Baptists insist upon the separation of church and state. The First Amendment is our amendment. The Rev. Budde’s congregation is the “Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in the City and Diocese of Washington.” Calling it the National Cathedral is false, pretentious, and rude. No president or vice president should endorse this affectation by attending events there.
This church’s religion no longer preaches the gospel. What is the gospel? It is the declaration that “Christ died for our sins” and that he “rose from the dead” (1 Cor 15:1–4). The death of Jesus on the cross and His bodily resurrection from the dead are historical events. To deny the historicity of either event is to deny the gospel itself. The phrase “for our sins” explains the meaning of Christ’s death. Jesus died as a substitute for sinners. He took their guilt upon Himself and suffered God’s wrath in their place (1 Pet 2:24). He satisfied the demands of God’s justice. When God raised Jesus, He gave Him exclusive authority to forgive sins. He forgives us when we trust Him as Savior (Acts 16:31). The gospel is not about moral improvement or social reformation. It is about personal forgiveness. This is the only biblical gospel. God saves people only through trust in Jesus (Acts 4:12). The Rev. Budde substitutes a bad moral philosophy for the good message of the gospel. Such preaching is no longer Christian. Her religion has become a different religion. It even belongs to a different class of religions from Christianity.
What about Rev. Budde’s specific claims? She says that gay, lesbian, and transgender children fear for their lives. They have no good reason to fear. Americans are not trying to kill them (though Muslim countries might). If Rev. Budde wants them to be less afraid, then she should stop scaring them with stories of danger. Mr. President, we crave modesty and safety for our women and children. Please protect them from predators who hide behind trans identity.
The Rev. Budde asks you to “have mercy” upon these people. True mercy never affirms people in a delusion. You have rightly said that there are only two genders. Some people are not comfortable in their gender. Some want to pretend to be the other gender. Some want to make up a gender that doesn’t exist. Some of them, even children, want to alter their bodies to resemble a gender that is not theirs. Often, they want to force the rest of us to pretend along with them. Good counsel can help these people to become comfortable in their natural gender. True mercy means getting them the counsel that they need. Genuine compassion means protecting children from mutilation. Just law never forces citizens to pretend that a delusion is true.
The Rev. Budde also wishes you to “have mercy” upon people who break the law to enter our country. She pretends compassion for immigrants, but all true Americans welcome immigrants. We only ask that they obey the laws when they enter our country and that we have enough time to assimilate them. Your job, as you know, is to enforce immigration laws. May God bless you for doing it.
The Rev. Budde appeals to biblical teaching to be “merciful to the stranger.” The Bible does teach compassion for aliens (Lev 19:34; 24:22). The Bible also requires resident aliens to keep the laws of their host country (Lev 18:26). We must not cite one principle without recognizing the other.
When the Rev. Budde pleads for refugees, I agree. The United States has often sheltered people fleeing political and religious persecution. America should still welcome its share of genuine refugees. Every civilized nation should. But we should make sure that they are genuine refugees. And we are not obligated to shelter all the refugees in the world.
Mr. President, I would be presumptuous to invite you to attend the church I pastor. I doubt that we could even seat your security detail in our auditorium. But I make you a promise. If you ever visit, you will hear the true gospel. You will hear the Word of God. And you will not hear woke moralizing.
You do not have to travel to Minnesota to hear our message. Capitol Hill Baptist Church is in your own back yard. Its pastor is a man of God. He can offer you sound spiritual counsel. He can help you to understand the Bible. He can also help you to navigate some of those church-state difficulties.
People like the Rev. Budde are the exact reason that some of us voted for you. Their message is wrong, and it has devastated our country. We need a dose of reality, and you are administering it now. Please, Mr. President, stay strong.
This essay is by Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
O God of Bethel
Philip Doddridge (1702–1751)
O God of Bethel, by Whose hand
Thy people still are fed,
Who through this weary pilgrimage
hast all our fathers led;
Our vows, our prayers, we now present
before Thy throne of grace;
God of our fathers, be the God
of their succeeding race.
Through each perplexing path of life
our wandering footsteps guide;
give us each day our daily bread,
and raiment fit provide.
O spread Thy covering wings around
till all our wanderings cease,
and at our Father’s loved abode
our souls arrive in peace.
Such blessings from Thy gracious hand
Our humble prayers implore;
And Thou shalt be our chosen God,
Our portion evermore.

Most Interesting Reading of 2024: Part Two
Last week I gave you the first part of my listing of the “most interesting books” that I read during 2024. Again, I emphasize that my selection is subjective: what was interesting to me may not be interesting to you. Nevertheless, here is the rest of my list.
Heller, Anne C. Hannah Arendt: A Life in Dark Times. New York: Open Road, 2015. 148pp.
Hannah Arendt was a German Jew who fled to France and then America during the Second World War. She had been a student and mistress of Nazi philosopher Martin Heidegger. After the war, she and Heidegger renewed a friendship, and Arendt went on to become an important philosophical critic of totalitarianism. Heller’s book not only tells Arendt’s story but also focuses on the interplay of philosophical ideas between the two thinkers.
Kilpatrick, James J. The Writer’s Art. Kansas City: Andrews McNeel, 1984. 262pp.
Every year I try to read at least one book on the craft of writing. This year I chose Kilpatrick, since his work came with a recommendation from William F. Buckley. It turned out to be more than just a book. It was as if Kilpatrick put his arm around my shoulders and said, “Son, let me show you how to do this.” I only wish that I could learn the lesson as well as he taught it.
Kim, Swee Hong and Lester Ruth. Lovin’ on Jesus: A Concise History of Contemporary Worship. Nashville: Abingdon, 2017. 192pp.
What is contemporary worship and where does it come from? The authors of this book try to answer that question, defining contemporary worship much more broadly than the current “worship wars.” They trace its beginnings to the effort to update worship language, including updating the translation of Scripture. They identify various strands within contemporary worship and outline the philosophy and theology of each. I found the work illuminating.
McGrath, Alistair. Christian Theology: An Introduction. 6th ed. Hoboken: Wiley Blackwell, 2017. 528pp.
This volume presents itself as an introduction to theology, but it might better be described as a survey. While it does deal with introductory matters (the prolegomena of theology), it devotes most of its space to surveying the various approaches to the main questions within each discipline of systematic theology. It seems to be written more as a textbook for university students than as a study for seminarians or pastors. The discussion is not advanced, but the survey is useful.
Morgan, Christopher and Robert A. Peterson. Christian Theology: The Biblical Story and Our Faith. Nashville: B&H, 2020. 620pp.
This theology is written from a conservative, more-or-less Baptistic approach, but it aims to present a range of options for many theological questions. It is less detailed than I would prefer in a seminary textbook, but it is charitable in tone and fairly comprehensive. It would make a useful refresher for pastors.
Nickson, Elizabeth. Eco-Fascists: How Radical Conservationists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage. New York: Broadside, 2012. 384pp.
Broadside Books is supposed to be a conservative imprint under Harper Publishing, but Nickson is not noticeably conservative. She is a liberal environmentalist and journalist who is upset at the way the environmental movement has been highjacked. Some of her claims are difficult to verify (e.g., that the government is importing “cadaver wolves”). Overall, however, she makes a convincing case that contemporary environmentalism and governments are using each other as vehicles for radical social engineering.
Sacco, Jack. Where the Birds Never Sing: The True Story of the 92nd Signal Battalion and the Liberation of Dachau. New York: ReganBooks, 2003. 336pp.
Warning: this volume is written about military service from the perspective of a soldier. It contains offensive language. And it isn’t quite a first-person narrative. While written in the soldier’s voice, it was authored by his son. Qualifications aside, the book is a gripping story of one GI who served under Patton and who participated in the liberation of Dachau. Given the increasing penchant for Holocaust denial, direct accounts such as this one are needed.
Shenvi, Neil and Pat Sawyer. Critical Dilemma: The Rise of Critical Theories and Social Justice Ideology—Implications for the Church and Society. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 2023. 528pp.
This work does a better job of describing the origins and ideas of critical theory than any other book I’ve read. It deals with difficult ideas in an understandable way. If you are a pastor who wants to understand critical theory and social justice, I can’t think of a better work to recommend.
Shippey, Tom. J. R. R. Tolkien: Author of the Century. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2000. 384pp.
Too much is being published about the Inklings for a non-specialist like me to keep up with it all. Still, I try to read a few books each year about Lewis, Tolkien, Barfield, or Williams. This book by Shippey is just a nice rehearsal of Tolkien’s importance. It includes responses to many of Tolkien’s critics.
Sowell, Thomas. Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality? New York: William Morrow, 1984. 168pp.
Thomas Sowell is another author who deserves his own shelf in your library. I’ve never read anything by him that wasn’t worthwhile. This is one of his earlier works. He argues that many of the putative successes of the Civil Rights Movement would have happened anyway, while the movement itself has hindered civil rights in important ways. He also responds to the accusation that his personal rise is due to the very things that he critiques.
Spink, Kenneth, ed. First Timothy: Church Charter. Cleveland: Hebron Association, 2024. 200pp.
The pastors of the Hebron Baptist Association near Cleveland have produced this little commentary. Of course, some chapters are more detailed, and others are more devotional, but I love the idea of pastors cooperating to study, understand, and comment on a book of Scripture. May they produce more in years to come.
Van Drunen, David. Natural Law: A Short Companion. Essentials in Christian Ethics. Brentwood, TN: B&H, 2024. 160pp.
According to this author, Reformed theology and some version of natural law are compatible perspectives. The book is a brief introduction to the kind of natural law that just might work in a Reformed context. The author is not unmindful of the noetic effects of the fall, and his discussion includes several important qualifications. This is a helpful book.
Witherington, Ben III. What Have They Done with Jesus? Beyond Strange Theories and Bad History—Why We Can Trust the Bible. New York: HarperCollins, 2006. 352pp.
Bad theorizing abounds about the Jesus of History, the composition of the Gospels, and the early development of Christianity. In this book, Witherington attempts to distill and simplify the arguments for popular consumption. He defends a responsible, understandable, conservative defense of the biblical record.
So those are the books that I enjoyed most in 2024. Lord willing, I’ll be back in a twelvemonth with a list of the books I enjoyed most during 2025. Until then, happy reading.
This essay is by Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
from Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice
Martin Luther (1483–1546); tr. Richard Massie (1800–1887)
My good works could avail me naught,
For they with sin were stained;
Free-will against God’s judgment fought,
And dead to good remained;
Grief drove me to despair, and I
Had nothing left me but to die,
To hell I fast was sinking.
Then God beheld my wretched state
With deep commiseration;
He thought upon His mercy great,
And willed my soul’s salvation;
He turned to me a Father’s heart—
Not small the cost!—to heal my smart,
He gave His best and dearest.
The Son His Father did obey,
And, born of virgin-mother,
He came a while on earth to stay,
That He might be my brother.
His mighty power He hidden bore,
A servant’s form like mine He wore,
To lead the Devil captive.
He spake to me: “Hold fast by me,
I am thy Rock and Castle;
I wholly give myself for thee,
For thee I strive and wrestle;
For I am thine, and thou art mine,
Henceforth my place is also thine;
The Foe shall never part us.
“The Foe shall shed my precious blood,
Me of my life bereaving;
All this I suffer for thy good;
Be steadfast and believing.
Life shall from death the victory win,
Mine innocence shall bear thy sin,
So art thou blest forever.”

Most Interesting Reading of 2024: Part One
It’s that time of year again. Other authors issue bibliographies of “best books” they’ve read. I put out a listing of reading that I personally found most interesting. This year, it happens that “interesting” also broadly corresponds to “good,” though in some years, books can be interesting exactly because they are bad. But I promise, all the following are good, though in different ways. You may or may not find them interesting, but I did, and that’s why they’re here.
Adler, Mortimer J. Six Great Ideas. New York: Touchstone, 1981. 256pp.
The six ideas are divided into two sets. Truth, goodness, and beauty are ideas we judge by. Liberty, equality, and justice are ideas we act on. Adler compares and contrasts approaches to these ideas, helping his readers understand the issues surrounding them. Adler invariably stimulates his readers’ thinking. He is one of those authors who deserves his own shelf in your library.
Anderson, Ryan T. Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom. Washington: Regnery, 2015. 256pp.
Famous for authoring a conservative work that was banned by Amazon, Anderson is one of the most articulate conservative voices addressing gender issues today. In Truth Overruled he argues from natural law that the definition of marriage cannot be stretched to include two people of the same sex. The argument is both sound and accessible to readers with, say, a high-school education.
Blomberg, Craig L. Jesus and the Gospels: An Introduction and Survey. 3rd ed. Nashville: B&H, 2022. 720pp.
As Blomberg’s subtitle implies, this work has two goals. One is to survey the contents of the four gospels, but the more important is to deal with introductory issues. These include the various issues related to the Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith. Blomberg provides a good, accessible overview of the questions, combined with a competent, conservative response. Parts of the work are idiosyncratic, but this is overall a very helpful book.
Butterfield, Rosaria. The Gospel Comes with a House Key: Practicing Radically Ordinary Hospitality in Our Post-Christian World. Wheaton: Crossway, 2018. 240pp.
Any book by Butterfield is worth reading. Her early books present a biblical perspective on homosexuality and lesbianism. This book deals more specifically with hospitality as a Christian duty. Butterfield talks about the what, the how, and the why. The result is that she sets a standard for hospitality that many readers will despair of ever being able to meet. Even so, the challenge is good and necessary.
Dubal, David. The Essential Canon of Classical Music. New York: North Point, 2003. 800pp.
I loved classical music from the first time I heard Tchaikovsky’s Overture Solonnelle, but only during seminary did I become a serious listener. I found that the field is so large as to bewilder an outsider. Eventually you start to find out what you like, and you look for more of it. Dubal’s work is useful for middle-level listeners who have got their feet on the ground but who wonder where to go next. Dubal surveys the entire field by period and composer. He also includes a recommended discography.
Flew, Antony. There Is A God: How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind. New York: HarperOne, 2009. 258pp.
When I was being educated, the New Atheists had not yet captured public interest. During those years, Antony Flew was recognized as the ablest academic proponent of atheism. In this book, Flew tells how he became an atheist and why he eventually abandoned atheism for theism. The book includes Flew’s criticism of the New Atheism. It also includes a dialogue about Jesus with N. T. Wright. One could wish that it included a clear profession of faith in Christ.
Frahm, Eckhart. Assyria: The Rise and Fall of the World’s First Empire. New York: Basic, 2023. 528pp.
The Assyrian Empire intersects the history of divided Israel and Judah in dramatic ways. Ultimately, the Assyrians were responsible for the dismantling and captivity of the northern kingdom. Frahm, an Assyriologist who teaches at Yale, offers in this work an overview of Assyrian history. While he is sometimes critical of the biblical chronology, Frahm does much to explain the pressures that the kings of Israel and Judah (not to mention other nations) faced from Assyrian expansionism. He has good theories about how Assyria rose to power and why it fell.
Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas. Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Naziism, and the Politics of Identity. New York: NYU, 2003. 271pp.
One of my study projects involves a version of white supremacy known as Identity Christianity. Eventually, I hope to do some writing on the subject. Identity Christianity is a quasi-Christian movement, generally cultish (though some versions of it are Trinitarian), with its own theology. Not many people will find this kind of reading interesting, but it helped me fit together some of the players and ideas in the Identity Christian movement.
Grossman, Miriam. Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness. New York: Skyhorse, 2018. 360pp.
This book is a deep dive into the influence that the Trans movement has exerted over the mental health profession. Grossman writes as an insider, a child psychiatrist who has dealt with gender issues for years. She is clearly outraged, however, by the current Trans ideology, which she believes is deeply harmful to children. She includes an account of how that movement uses professional and legal pressures to get doctors and parents to conform, and she also provides helpful strategies for dealing with authorities and children when those children announce that they are Trans. The discussion is long, and sometimes it is tedious, but every pastor should read this book.
This list is only the beginning. I’m working alphabetically and we are only through the letter G. Yes, there’s more to come! Next week I’ll be back with more of my “most interesting reading” of 2024.
This essay is by Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
Let Those Who Doubt the Heavenly Source
John Bowring (1792–1872)*
Let those who doubt the heavenly source
Of revelation’s page divine,
Use as their weapons fraud and force—
No such unhallowed arms are mine.
I only wield its holy word—
Reason its shield, and truth its sword.
I doubt not—my religion stands
A beacon on the eternal rock—
Let malice throw her fiery brands;
Its sacred fane has stood the shock
Of ages—and shall tower sublime
Above the waves and winds of time.
Infinite wisdom formed the plan;
Infinite power supports the pile;
Infinite goodness poured on man
Its radiant light—its cheering smile.
Need they thy aid? Poor worm! Thy aid?
O mad presumption—vain parade!
Thou wilt not trust th’Almighty One
With His own thunders—thou wouldst throw
The bolts of Heaven! O senseless son
Of dust and darkness! Spider! Go,
And with thy cobweb bind the tide,
And the swift, dazzling comet guide.
Yes! Force has conquering reasons given,
And chains and tortures argue well—
And thou hast proved thy faith from Heaven,
By weapons thou hast brought from hell.
Yes! Thou hast made thy title good,
For thou hast signed the deed with blood.
Daring impostor! Sure that God
Whose advocate thou feign’st to be,
Will smite thee with that awful rod
Which thou wouldst seize—and pour on thee
The vial of that wrath, which thou
Wouldst empty on thy brother’s brow.
* [Editor’s note: This poem is a striking condemnation of the use of force as a means of spiritual persuasion, which Baptists also disdain. The author, though, is a Unitarian. His best-known text, still sung in many Trinitarian churches, is In the Cross of Christ I Glory.]

Most Important News of 2024
[This essay was originally published on January 3, 2013. The editor has taken the liberty of updating the year; the essay is otherwise unaltered.]
Many periodicals make a New Year’s tradition of summarizing the most important stories of the past year. That tradition has never been followed by In the Nick of Time, but I thought this year might be a good time to begin. Since I’d never done this before, I perused several lists that others had put together. What struck me is that they universally missed the most important stories. So, in no particular order, here are my picks for the top stories of 2024.
Jesus Did Not Return
Few if any news outlets have reported that the Rapture did not occur during 2024. We believers are still on earth. We were unexpectedly granted an entire extra year to prepare ourselves. We were given a whole twelve months for devotion to our Lord. We had fifty-two whole weeks to apportion our time, energy, and money in such a way that as many people as possible (including ourselves) would be ready for His coming. The non-Rapture of the church during 2024 is clear evidence that the Lord is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Eager as we are to be with Him in heaven, we can rejoice that He intends to show mercy to yet more sinners.
Few Were Disappointed
Almost as remarkable as the non-Rapture is the non-disappointment of the saints. Those who obeyed Scripture were looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. For such people, every year in which they have not yet glimpsed His face leaves them both heartsick for Him and homesick for a better country, that is: an heavenly. They yearn for the city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. They exhort one another, and so much the more, as they see the day approaching. The absence of this eagerness for the coming and presence of Jesus is certainly news.
Many Were At Ease
People who seek a better country are willing to dwell in tabernacles. They confess that they are strangers and pilgrims on the earth. On the other hand, those who are mindful of that country from whence they came out might have opportunity to return. For the former, God is not ashamed to be called their God. For the latter—well, they are newsworthy. It is as if, when they look up the word world in their thesaurus, they find the synonym friend. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. That is news.
The Government Martyred No One
Nowhere in the United States did any level of government—local, state, or federal—kill any Christian believers because of their testimonies. We have not yet resisted unto blood. On the contrary, we have been granted an opportunity to lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; and to make straight paths for our feet. We have been given another chance to follow that holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. If that’s not news, what is?
Christians Stood Up for Their Rights
It is no great thing that Christians, like Paul and Silas in Philippi, would challenge governments that fail to keep within their proper boundaries. What is newsworthy is that Christians should decide that the life of faith requires them to insist upon their rights instead of approving what is excellent. Only through the latter may a believer be sincere and without offense until the day of Jesus Christ. Here is the news: Christians have forgotten that one who strives for the mastery is temperate in all things. They are unaware that we become all things to all men, not by imitating them and seeking their approval, but by denying ourselves whatever rights and privileges would block us from serving them. That Christians should spend their efforts defending their rights would certainly be news to Paul: “But I have used none of these things: neither have I written these things, that it should be so done unto me: for it were better for me to die, than that any man should make my glorying void.”
God Was Denied Glory
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork. Nevertheless, the overwhelming majority of those who bear God’s image spent the year exchanging the glory of the incorruptible God for an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. They also spent the year bearing the consequences of uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. Here is some news: God will not give His glory unto another. People are condemned first and foremost, not because they have broken God’s law, but because they have dishonored Him by preferring idols.
God Unleashed His Power
The gospel is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes. The gospel is not like a yapping Chihuahua that needs to be kept on a leash to protect it from the big dogs. The gospel is like a lion that pulls down its prey and subdues it. The gospel has the power to penetrate the hardest heart, humble the most arrogant mind, and bring the vilest sinner to repentance. News flash: the gospel never needs to be protected. It needs to be set loose. It did its work during 2024. The salvation of a single soul (and many were saved, all over the world) is a magnificent display of the infinite power of God.
Billions Are Still Lost
As 2024 closed, billions and billions of human beings, made in God’s image, were still lost and on their way to hell. Of these, the majority had never even heard the good news of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in the substitutionary death and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. Billions had never even heard the name of Jesus or seen a Bible. After two millennia, Christians have still not completed the task of going into all the world and preaching the gospel to every creature. They see a world wholly given to idolatry, and the news is that their spirit is not stirred in them. They do not dispute in the market daily with them that meet them. From these billions of unrepentant sinners, God is not receiving the glory and worship that He deserves—and He commands all men every where to repent. He has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by that Man whom He has ordained. The news is that we still have a job to do.
* * *
The biggest news of 2024, and the biggest news of every year, is the gospel itself. The gospel is not a religious philosophy. It is not a collection of moral precepts. It is not a guide to self-improvement. It is not a stimulus for spiritual inspiration. It is news—news about events that occurred when God entered space and time, assumed a human nature, died to bear the penalty of human sin, and arose bodily from the dead. Not only is the gospel news, it is good news. It is the best news that sinful humans could ever hear.
Spread the news.
This essay is by Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
The Day Is Past and Gone
John Leland (1754–1841)
The day is past and gone,
The evening shades appear.
O may we all remember well
The night of death draws near.
We lay our garments by,
Upon our beds to rest;
So death will soon disrobe us all
Of what we here possess.
Lord, keep us safe this night,
Secure from all our fears;
May angels guard us while we sleep,
Till morning light appears.
And when we early rise,
And view th’unwearied sun,
May we set out to win the prize,
And after glory run.
And when our days are past,
And we from time remove,
O may we in Thy bosom rest,
The bosom of Thy love.

The Man in the Shadows
During the Christmas season, two figures stand rightfully in the spotlight. One is Jesus, who was born in Bethlehem. The other is Mary His mother. A third figure generally remains somewhere in the shadows: he is known to have been present but hardly seems to matter. That man is Joseph.
Many Christians treat Joseph as a placeholder. Since they know that Jesus was conceived and born of a virgin, they assume that Joseph was present only as Mary’s husband. They take it as incidental and almost accidental that he was in the story at all. After all, what did Joseph contribute? He was a husband to Mary. He provided a male parental figure for Jesus. Perhaps he trained Jesus in the trade of construction. The story, however, would be substantially the same had Joseph never lived. Another man—or no man at all—might have done as well.
The Gospels challenge these assumptions about Joseph. They provide reasons for saying that he played a unique role in the nativity of our Lord. Without Joseph, the mission of Jesus Christ could never have succeeded. He was a remarkable man for several reasons.
At the least, Joseph is important because of his character. Matthew calls him a just or righteous man (Luke 1:19). Only about ten individuals in the Bible get called just or righteous. This designation already places Joseph among the elite.
His righteousness, however, was not of the priggish sort. It clearly included an element of compassion or mercy. Joseph was unwilling to subject Mary to shame, even before he knew that her pregnancy was caused by the Holy Spirit. Instead, he settled on a private divorce to end their marriage.
Joseph was more than Mary’s fiancé. He was legally her husband and she was legally his wife. Even though they had not yet consummated their marriage, and even though they were not yet living together, a divorce was necessary to dissolve their relationship. This was what Joseph planned to do, but he did not rush into it. Joseph must have been a temperate and deliberate man, because he was still pondering the situation when he dozed off and was confronted in a dream by an angel.
The angel assured Joseph that Mary was faithful to him. Her pregnancy was miraculous, something that was wrought by the Holy Spirit. The angel told Joseph to complete the marriage with Mary and to bring her into his home. This was a significant act, one that would be widely understood to mean that Joseph acknowledged the child. When Joseph took the final steps to complete his marriage with Mary, he was extending public acceptance to Jesus as his own offspring.
The angel gave further instructions about the child. He told Joseph, “You shall call his name Jesus,” a name that means savior or deliverer. The point is that Joseph was told to do the naming. Of course, this does not exclude Mary from being involved in the naming, but a child’s father had naming rights that could override the mother’s wishes (see the example of Zacharias, Elisabeth, and John in Luke 1:59–63). By exercising this right, Joseph was underlining his acceptance of the child Jesus as his own.
This point is critical: even though Jesus was not the biological descendant of Joseph, he was more than a stranger who was fostered in Joseph’s home. He was even more than adopted. From a legal point of view, Jesus was the son of Joseph, with all the rights, honors, and privileges pertaining thereto. And being the son of Joseph did come with rights, honors, and privileges.
Joseph stood in the direct line of descent from King David through King Solomon. By right of primogeniture, under the terms of the Davidic Covenant (2 Sam 7:12–16) Joseph held the title to the throne of David. He could not claim that title because of the curse placed on King Coniah (Jer 22:24, 30). By affirming Jesus as his legal son, however, Joseph passed the right of succession on to Jesus.
As the legal son of Joseph, Jesus headed the dynasty of Solomon. He held the title to occupy the throne of David. Because He was not Joseph’s biological son, however, He was not under the curse of Coniah. Since Mary was also a descendant of David through David’s son Nathan (Luke 3:23–31; 2 Sam 5:13–14), Jesus’ virgin birth fulfilled God’s promise that a descendant of David would rule Israel.
Was Joseph’s fatherhood of Jesus recognized? Luke indicates that Jesus was believed or thought to be the son of Joseph (Luke 3:23). Years later, he was still referred to as “the carpenter’s son” (Matt 13:55–57). He was called “the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know (John 6:42). Indeed, Mary, talking to Jesus, could refer to Joseph as “your father” (Luke 2:48). The suggestion that the circumstances of Jesus’ birth might have temporarily slipped from Mary’s mind is simply ludicrous. More than once, Luke’s gospel names both Mary and Joseph together as Jesus’ parents (Luke 2:27, 41).
Joseph fulfilled the role of human father to Jesus. When Herod’s paranoia threatened the child, the angel warned Joseph to move the family to Egypt. When the threat had passed, the angel again appeared to Joseph, permitting him to take Mary and Jesus home to Nazareth. Then every year Joseph would take his family to Jerusalem for Passover (Luke 2:41). Since Jesus was increasing in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52), Joseph must have played a significant role in His spiritual upbringing.
The last glimpse we get of Joseph is when the twelve-year-old Jesus was disputing with the doctors in the temple. Probably Joseph was older than Mary, and he may have died shortly after that event. He was certainly gone before Jesus began His public ministry. The years during which Joseph parented Jesus were brief but crucial.
Much of Joseph’s life is hidden from us, but the little that we do know is vital. He was a just man, a good man, a devout man. His royal fathers can rightly be proud of him. He opened their dynasty to Mary’s son, the Savior. He gave the Savior a name, a title, a throne, and a home. Joseph is truly a hero of Christmas.
This essay is by Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
Beside Thy Manger Here I Stand
Paul Gerhardt (1607–1676); tr. William Martin Czamanske (1873–1964)
Beside Thy manger here I stand,
Dear Jesus, Lord and Savior,
A gift of love within my hand
To thank Thee for Thy favor.
O take my humble offering;
My heart, my soul, yea, everything
Is Thine to keep forever.
With joy I gaze upon Thy face;
Thy glory and Thy splendor
Are greater than my heart can praise,
And songs can fitly render.
O that my mind might truly be
As boundless as the deepest sea—
’Twould still be lost in wonder.
O grant me this abundant grace,
And let it be Thy pleasure
That I may be Thy dwelling place,
Dear Savior, sweetest treasure!
O let me be Thy manger bed,
Then shall I lift my lowly head
With joy beyond all measure.

Until the Lord Shouts
It is my sad duty to report that Caleb Counterman, a Doctor of Ministry student at Central Seminary, died suddenly on Sunday morning. He was driving his wife Jessica to church when his car hit a patch of ice. In the ensuing crash, Jessica’s life was preserved, but Caleb was thrown out of the car and into the arms of Jesus.
A graduate of Maranatha Baptist University, Caleb received his seminary training at Calvary Baptist Seminary in Lansdale, Pennsylvania. After years of pastoring, he enrolled in the D.Min. program at Central Seminary. He was a straight-ahead kind of guy. He knew what he thought and was convinced of what was right. He set clear goals for himself. He rarely deviated from these guiding lights.
While Caleb was a thinker, he was even more of a “doer.” He was a hard charger. His ministry could not be confined to a church building. He was active in his public school system, where he stood as a consistent Christian witness. He was elected to serve on the county board for Grundy County, Illinois. While working on his D.Min. at Central Seminary, he also completed a master’s degree in apologetics from another institution. These are not the actions of an idle man.
Guided by his principles, Caleb was a man to make difficult decisions and to lead in unpopular directions. Some years back, I attended a meeting of a national association of fundamentalist churches where he was present. Attendees were buzzing about a decision that the organization’s executive body had recently made. Many people opposed the decision, but nobody seemed willing to confront it. Even though it was his first meeting, Caleb stood up in the business session and moved that the decision be rescinded. After considerable debate, his motion was adopted. Some who opposed the motion saw Caleb as a troublemaker. I saw him as a man of conviction who had the courage to do what he (and I) thought was the right thing.
Most of what I saw of Caleb was either his public persona or his classroom presence. I knew him as a student who loved to explore and debate ideas. I do not recall, however, that I ever saw him in action as a pastor or a family man. Others are better suited to address those parts of his life, and I am sure that many will.
In addition to his wife Jessica, Caleb is survived by two sons, Levi and Jared. His two brothers, Luke and Simeon, are also pastors. His father and mother, Andrew and Jo Ellen, are also still active. Andrew, who is also a Central Seminary alumnus, serves as associate pastor alongside Simeon.
Caleb’s death is one of those events in which we are forced to recognize that a wise, benevolent, and gracious Providence may also be severe. Caleb would not have chosen the events of last Sunday morning. Neither would his wife, his sons, his brothers, or his parents. Yet these events surely fall under the purview of an infinitely wise, loving, and powerful God. Difficult as Caleb’s death is for his friends and loved ones, it was planned and permitted by a God who is both fully sovereign and infinitely good.
The truth is that sometimes God’s love allows us to be hurt—particularly since we still live in a world that endures the effects of sin. Our very mortality is the result of sin. Death is an intruder and an enemy, never a friend. Those who pass through the valley of the shadow of death (as Caleb’s loved ones are now doing) do really feel the bitter sting of that enemy. But even in that dark valley we remember that the sting of death has been pulled. Death will not be allowed the final or decisive word. Death’s victory is only a fading mirage. It has already been nullified by the resurrection of our Lord (1 Cor 15), who Himself passed through the gates of death and came forth again. Thus, those who are in the valley of the shadow of death need fear no evil. The God who permitted this calamity intends it all for good, and one day the weight of crushing sorrow will be transmuted into the exuberance of joy bursting into exultation. Every tear will be replaced with a far more exceeding weight of glory.
Meanwhile, we still sorrow, though not as those who have no hope. We recognize that God claims us as His own, and He uses us as He will. Sometimes He uses us up, as He did with Caleb last Sunday morning. Even so, He knows what He is doing, and insists that we must trust Him.
Caleb surely did trust himself to the Living God and to Christ Jesus the Lord. Here is something that he wrote a couple of years ago.
We need to emphasize what it means to find identity in Christ. He created us for a purpose. He loved and will always love us. We find our affirmation and value in Him. He will provide strength through this life as we follow Him. We can have victory over temptation because of His promised help and work. There is a promise of a glorified body and spirit because of Christ.
Caleb Counterman found his confidence and his identity in Christ. Because of Christ, because of Christ’s cross-work, and because of Christ’s resurrection, we also have confidence that all will be well. When the Lord returns, when He shouts that cry of command, then our sadness will forever end. For now, we cling to hope in the midst of our tears, but we hope with confidence, because Christ is our life. We shall hold fast to our confidence until the Lord shouts.
This essay is by Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
Courage in Death and Hope in Resurrection
Isaac Watts (1674–1748)
When God is nigh, my faith is strong,
His arm is my almighty prop:
Be glad my heart; rejoice my tongue,
My dying flesh shall rest in hope.
Though in the dust I lay my head,
Yet, gracious God, thou wilt not leave
My soul forever with the dead,
Nor lose thy children in the grave.
My flesh shall thy first call obey,
Shake off the dust, and rise on high;
Then shalt thou lead the wond’rous way
Up to thy throne above the sky.
There streams of endless pleasure flow;
And full discoveries of thy grace
(Which we but tasted here below)
Spread heav’nly joys through all the place.

About Pardon
News reports this week are buzzing with President Joe Biden’s pardon of his son, Hunter. Convicted on firearms and tax charges, the younger Biden was awaiting sentencing as his father neared the end of his presidential term. The president had insisted repeatedly that he would let justice run its course, and that he would not pardon his son. In spite of these assurances, President Biden announced that he was pardoning Hunter not only for the convictions over tax evasion and lying to a licensed firearms dealer, but also for any other federal crimes that he may have committed or taken part in from January 1, 2014, through December 1, 2024.
Interestingly, the termination hour of the pardon was still future at the time it was announced. The president may not have realized what he was doing, but he effectively granted his son impunity to commit any sort of federal crime over the next several hours. Whether Hunter took advantage of this permission is not known. What is known is that the pardon covered all crimes, actual or potential, acknowledged or unacknowledged, during the specified period.
Even some pundits on the Left have expressed perplexity over the pardon, and those on the Right have voiced outrage. One commentator even titled his report, “The Biden Crime Family Gets Away with It.” Some have attributed a cynical motive to the pardon: by protecting his son, President Biden puts a stop to any potential investigation that might explore his own wrongdoing.
We need not suggest such a sinister impetus to explain the president’s action. Normal paternal affection is a sufficient rationale. All other things being equal, what father would not wish to keep his child from spending years in prison? If we had the power, which of us would not be tempted by love to cancel our son’s penalties for wrongdoing, even if those penalties are deserved?
But all other things are not equal. Assuming the best of motivations for President Biden—love for his son—he still cannot rightly act without heeding other concerns. Chief among those is a concern for justice. The charges against Hunter Biden were not trumped up. His prosecution was not some form of vengeful lawfare. Hunter broke just laws, and those laws had just penalties attached to them.
Injustice disturbs moral balance. Moral balance can only be restored through judgment and retribution. Justice is not about rehabilitating wrongdoers, recompensing victims, reducing recidivism, or restraining crime. Those are good and useful things, but they are not justice. No, justice is about judgment and retribution. There is no justice without judgment, and there is no judgment without retribution.
Therein lies the problem with Hunter Biden’s pardon. In this case, parental mercy comes at the cost of public justice. No one seems to be suggesting that Hunter was wrongfully convicted. He himself pled guilty to three felony charges of tax evasion. To some extent, every taxpayer was harmed by his conduct. More seriously, he held a just law up to contempt. There were no mitigating circumstances. Consequently, the presidential pardon has thwarted justice.
The contest in this case is between love and justice. The president was caught on the horns of a dilemma: he could show love, or he could uphold justice, but he could not do both. What he chose to do was to seize one horn of the dilemma. He chose in favor of love. While we might sympathize with him, we cannot justify him. He has betrayed his office.
Justice does not allow judges the option of ignoring the law, and the point of law is to assign penalties to infractions. If this principle applies to human judges and other sworn to uphold the law—and it does—then how much more does it apply to the Judge of all? The Judge to whom we must all render account?
We know that we are lawbreakers. We have sinned and come short of the just requirements of God’s standard (Rom 3:23). Furthermore, God’s law attaches a penalty to our misdeeds: “the wages of sin is death” (Rom 6:23). Much as He loves us, God is not free simply to overlook our lawbreaking. If He failed to inflict the penalty, He would be untrue to His law, which would make Him untrue to Himself. He would not be God.
So how can God as Judge issue pardons to sinners? Indeed, how can He pronounce sinners righteous in His sight (which is what justification means)? Would not such a pardon and such a verdict be as inconsistent with justice as Hunter Biden’s pardon is?
No, it would not. The reason that God’s forgiveness does not violate justice is because the full penalty of the law was inflicted upon Christ on the cross. In the moment of His passion, Jesus became our substitute, took our place, and died our death. In other words, the full penalty of the law has already been paid, so that when we believe on Christ, God can rightly cancel our guilt.
There is no justice without judgment, and there is no judgment without retribution. The retribution for our sins—our lawbreaking—was laid on Jesus, and He paid it fully. He endured all that God’s just law demanded.
If we have believed upon Christ, then we, too, have been pardoned. In fact, we have received more than pardon. We have received a verdict of righteous for Jesus’ sake. God has charged our guilt against Jesus, and He credits Jesus’ righteousness to us.
God is infinitely just. God is also infinitely loving. In His wisdom, God found a way to be true both to His love and to His justice. He is “just, and the justifier of him which believeth on Jesus” (Rom 3:26).
This essay is by Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
A Pardoning God
Samuel Davies (1723–1761)
Great God of wonders, all thy ways,
Are matchless, Godlike, and divine;
But thy fair glories of thy grace,
More Godlike and unrival’d shine,
Who is a pardoning God like thee?
Or who has grace so rich and free?
Crimes of such horror to forgive,
Such guilty daring worms to spare,
This is thy grand prerogative,
And none shall in the honour share.
Who is a pardoning God like thee?
Or who has grace so rich and free?
Angels and men, resign your claim,
To pity, mercy, love, and grace;
These glories crown Jehovah’s name,
With an incomparable blaze.
Who is a pardoning God like thee?
Or who has grace so rich and free?
In wonder lost with trembling joy,
We take the pardon of our God,
Pardon for crimes of deepest dye,
A pardon bought with Jesus’ blood.
Who is a pardoning God like thee?
Or who has grace so rich and free?
O may this strange, this matchless grace,
This Godlike miracle of love,
Fill the wide earth with grateful praise,
And all the Angelic Hosts above,
Who is a pardoning God like thee?
Or who has grace so rich and free?

Dr. Pratt’s Visit to India
Dr. Jon Pratt, Vice President of Academic Affairs and New Testament Professor at Central Seminary, and his wife Elaine recently returned from their third trip to visit Faith Baptist Bible College and Seminary in Kerala, India.
A Growing Ministry
Dr. Sambhu De and his wife Molly minister in the southern region of India. Since Sambhu’s graduation from Central Seminary with a ThD degree, Fourth Baptist Church (Plymouth, MN) has served as the sending church for their ministry. They began by planting Emmanual Baptist Church out of their home. On the Pratts’ first visit to India in 2004, the church family was gathering in their home with plans for a church property. When the Pratts returned in 2016, they worshipped together with the church family at their completed property in Cochin city. Sam has also planted the Faith Baptist Church on the college campus in Kerala, about 40km north of Cochin. The pictures below are from the current church property in Cochin.
Emmanuel Baptist Church offers regular worship services in English and Malayalam, as well as a monthly combined bilingual service. Below is a picture of Dr. Pratt preaching through an interpreter and a picture of the congregation in Cochin.
Enriching Minds and Hearts
A significant part of Dr. Pratt’s visit was to deliver the opening messages for the college and seminary’s Spiritual Life Conference that begins each semester. Dr. Pratt spoke first on “Jesus is the Focus” with a message on the testimony of John the Baptist from John 3:22-26 and continued with sermons on assurance, perseverance, and sanctification.
Encouraging the Faculty
Additionally, Dr. Pratt met with the 19 faculty and staff members of FBBC&S for in-service and shared lessons from the life of Paul, emphasizing the importance of loving students through effective teaching. Dr. Pratt also had opportunities to speak in chapel and share devotionals to begin the days of classes.
Celebrating Achievements
During his visit, Dr. Pratt had the honor of personally delivering a Master of Arts in Theology diploma to Rajesh, a Central Seminary graduate who was unable to travel to the U.S. for his graduation ceremony in May. Rajesh is now pursuing his Master of Divinity through Central and is currently serving as Business Manager at FBBC&S while he continues his education. Dr. Pratt expressed Central Seminary’s gratitude for the support of generous donors who enable students like Rajesh to continue their education while serving in their local communities.
Further Missionary Connections
The Pratts’ travels extended beyond Kerala. Following their visit with Sam and Molly, they traveled north of India to Nepal to visit missionaries supported by their local church in Minnesota. God’s grace was evident throughout the trip, and the Pratts expressed their thankfulness for the many prayers and gifts that made this trip possible to see the impact of the gospel on the other side of the world.
Dr. Pratt on the Ministry in India
Reflecting on the trip to India, Dr. Pratt shared:
“It’s a great privilege to work with one of our alumni who has been faithfully serving for over 30 years. It’s a blessing to see the development of the campus and the ongoing ministry focused on training ministers and Christian workers for the gospel in India. The way is paved for that to continue into the future!”
“Just to witness God’s grace in using Sambhu over these many years and his faithful ministry in training young people for ministry is remarkable. It’s a privilege to be partners in the gospel with servants like Sam and Molly.” – Dr. Jon Pratt
Learn More:
- To learn more about the Faith Baptist Bible College & Seminary in Kerala, India, visit their website:
- This fall, Dr. Sambhu De joined us on The Central Seminary Podcast to share about ministry in India. Listen here.
Faith Baptist Bible College & Seminary in Kerala, India
Faith Baptist Bible College was established on July 1, 1997 under the leadership of the present president, Dr. Sambhu Nath De. It was felt that there was a great need for such a Bible college in central Kerala.
Faith Baptist Bible College intends to produce God-fearing and Christ-honoring Christian leaders. They should be able to carry out the Great Commission of Christ boldly and defend the historic Christian faith effectively.
Bible classes are conducted in Assamese, English, Malayalam, Manipuri, Oriya, and Tamil languages.
Songs from the College & Seminary Choir
Central Seminary’s Global Initiative
Central Seminary’s relationship with Faith Baptist Bible College & Seminary is part of our Global Initiative to assist New Testament churches in equipping spiritual leaders for Christ-exalting biblical ministry worldwide. To learn how you can help encourage students worldwide, visit our Global Initiative page.
Central Seminary to Host ATS Accreditation Reaffirmation Visit in February 2025
Central Baptist Theological Seminary is hosting a comprehensive evaluation visit for reaffirmation of accreditation by the ATS Commission on Accrediting on February 17–20, 2025. The purpose of this visit is to verify that the school meets all applicable Commission Standards of Accreditation. Comments regarding how well the school meets those standards and/or generally demonstrates educational quality may be sent to at least two weeks before the visit. Comments may also or instead be sent in writing to Brett Williams, Provost, at All comments will be shared with the onsite evaluation committee.

Almost Ready
My latest writing project is now in the final stages of proofreading and review. It should be in the hands of Central Seminary Press by next week, ready for typesetting and publication. The timeline for its release will, I hope, be measured in weeks rather than months.
This release will also include another title. It will be the second edition of my little book on Finding God’s Will. For the first edition we published only a couple thousand volumes, and they disappeared more quickly than we could have imagined. Because we were a bit unhappy with the cover design, we chose not to reprint it as it stood. Furthermore, since we were doing a redesign, I took advantage of the opportunity to update the book and to include a new chapter.
Finding God’s Will tries to chart a middle course between those who believe that God offers no individual direction for believers and those who follow their latest emotional burp as if it were God’s will for their life. The book maps out a procedure to discover how God is leading in one’s life, particularly when it comes to making big choices. I take the position that God does have an individual direction for the believer, and that He does lead believers, but that His leading never rises to the level of new revelation and that it is not a matter of subjectively listening for God’s voice. I insist that God leads His children through wisdom, and He does this providentially.
I begin by trying to dissuade readers from seeking God’s will through signs and “fleeces,” through listening for God’s voice (whether inner or outer), or through taking Bible verses out of context. Instead, I encourage believers to begin by submitting to all of God’s will that they find revealed in Scripture, by doing all to the glory of God, by fulfilling their duties, by bathing their decisions in prayer, by informing themselves about their choices, by seeking godly counsel, by considering their circumstances, by accounting for their inclinations, by developing a sense of vocation, and by understanding what role the peace of God plays. I also caution brothers and sisters about “buyer’s blues,” and I provide counsel about what to do when they know they’ve made a bad decision. In an appendix I summarize these steps in the form of a worksheet, and in a separate appendix I address the question of what a call to ministry looks like.
The goal in Finding God’s Will is to provide ordinary Christians with a manual that will walk them through the process of making decisions well. The book is easy to read and to understand. A pastor should be able to hand this book to any church member who is struggling with a decision. Working through the book will help that brother or sister. The book is also structured for use in Sunday School classes or home Bible studies, and it includes questions for reflection and discussion.
The other book—the new one—is entitled Communion and Disunion. It is a discussion of ecclesiastical fellowship and separation. These are not areas that every believer thinks about every day, but they are important areas that Christians and churches must address periodically.
Over the past thirty years, separation has been the topic that I have been asked to address most frequently. I have published journal articles and book chapters on the subject. I have written papers in formal and informal settings. I have delivered lecture series and preached sermons. What this book does is to gather several of those papers and addresses in one place.
Perhaps I should clarify one thing: when I say that the book is about ecclesiastical fellowship and separation, I do not mean that it is only about what churches do. What I mean is that our understanding of fellowship and separation must be grounded in a right understanding of the church if it is going to be biblical. Crucial to all decisions about Christian fellowship and separation is a correct vision of what the church is and who is included in it.
Communion and Disunion is also written for ordinary readers. No seminary training is necessary to follow the argument. It is also written with two readerships in view. On the one hand, I hope to help fundamentalists think through their doctrine of separation, which I believe is substantially correct but often poorly understood and sometimes badly applied. On the other hand, I hope to encourage non-fundamentalist evangelicals to adopt a more robust understanding of church unity and fellowship, an understanding that would result in a conscious appropriation of separatist categories. In short, if you are a separatist, I want to help you become more thoughtful. If you are thoughtful, I would like to help you become more of a separatist.
The likely result, of course, is that I shall encounter disagreement from both sides, and that is fine. I do not pretend to speak the final or authoritative word on this topic. The book is not a rigorous, scholarly treatment of fellowship and separation (such a treatment does not yet exist). Possibly, somebody may even convince me that I am wrong in important ways. But I think this is a conversation that needs to be advanced. Both fundamentalists and other evangelicals need to devote serious attention to the biblical and theological categories in which they talk about fellowship and separation. I will be pleased if the book stimulates conversation. I will be doubly pleased if it gets fundamentalists and other evangelicals to talk to each other about the subject.
Central Seminary Press is a function of Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis. An in-house press of this sort always raises the possibility of less-than-rigorous standards when publishing materials from our own faculty. We try to mitigate that danger by seeking competent outside readers to review our materials before they go to press. Finding God’s Will has cleared that hurdle and is now awaiting typesetting. Communion and Disunion is in the hands of final reviewers and awaits their comments. The process should be complete by the end of Thanksgiving week, and both books will be going into typesetting soon.
So keep your ears open. You will probably hear more about these books before the end of the year.
This essay is by Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
While Yet the Morn Is Breaking
Johannes Mühlmann (1573–1613); tr. Catherine Winkworth (1827–1878)
While yet the morn is breaking,
I thank my God once more,
Beneath whose care awakening,
I find the night is o’er;
I thank Him that He calls me
To life and health anew;
I know whate’er befalls me,
His care will still be true.
O gracious Lord, direct us,
Thy doctrine pure defend,
From heresies protect us,
And for Thy Word contend,
That we may praise Thee ever,
O God, with one accord,
Saying: The Lord our Savior
Be evermore adored!
O grant us peace and gladness,
Give us our daily bread,
Shield us from grief and sadness,
On us Thy blessings shed;
Grant that our whole behavior
In truth and righteousness
May praise Thee, Lord our Savior,
Whose holy name we bless.
And gently grant Thy blessing,
That we may do Thy will,
No more Thy ways transgressing,
Our proper task fulfill;
With Peter’s full affiance
Let down our nets again;
If Thou art our Reliance,
Our toil will not be vain.

Give to the Max 2024
Give to the Max 2024 is happening now through November 21. It is a major event sponsored by GiveMN, an independent agency that coordinates this special giving event for all kinds of Minnesota charitable organizations. The event aims for a “statewide outpouring of support for thousands of nonprofits and schools across Minnesota.” All gifts given during November count toward Give to the Max.
Central Seminary has been participating in Give to the Max for nearly two decades. This one event often provides a big part of our support every year. We rely on gifts from donors like you because students cannot pay the cost of seminary education. If pastors and missionaries are going to be trained, the bill must be paid by the people who will benefit from their ministries.
Consider Peter and his wife, Allie. They have two sons, Jonathan and Daniel. Peter grew up in a Christian home where God challenged him with the need for Christian laborers. Peter graduated from Appalachian Bible College and took an associate pastorate in Pennsylvania. Still actively engaged in pastoral ministry, he is also pursuing seminary training online at Central Seminary. During Peter’s studies, he and Allie continue to invest themselves in discipling new believers.
Another of our students, Mark, is married to Dannielle. Located in western New York, Mark was struggling to pastor part-time while simultaneously working an outside job and taking courses at Central Seminary. Then his employer eliminated his position without notice. The church stepped up and took Mark on full-time, and he is continuing his studies. They are grateful that Central Seminary’s online programs allow them to remain in New York. Mark is specifically grateful for encouragement from Central Seminary’s faculty, for reinforcement of his biblical convictions, and for the challenge to refine and expand his understanding of God’s Word.
Josh lives in California with his wife, Christy. He grew up in a mainline Protestant church that did not preach the gospel. He was saved when a friend invited him to a Wednesday night children’s program. Not long after he was saved, he started to feel a pull toward pastoral ministry. He attended Maranatha Baptist University, where he met and married Christy. Josh’s father initially opposed his desire to pastor but eventually changed his mind. Josh now serves part-time under a senior pastor in a local church and part-time at a Christian camp. Central Seminary’s distance-friendly educational model allows him to receive quality seminary education while he continues to serve in church ministry and to enjoy the mentoring of his senior pastor. He is excited to receive his degree and to transition into full-time pastoral ministry.
Taigen is a doctoral student at Central Seminary. He grew up near Seattle and was saved at the age of 15. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Bob Jones University, and he has pastored in Maryland and New Hampshire for over twenty years. He and his wife, Crystal, have twins who are seniors in college. New England is a difficult place to minister, but God is granting conversions and baptisms to Taigen’s ministry. He can work on his Doctor of Ministry at Central Seminary because Central Seminary’s accreditor authorized distance education for this program in the wake of COVID.
Théo Kabongo is one of three pastors at a church in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo. He is husband to Agneau and father to Aletheia. Théo is passionate about spreading the gospel and seeing people’s lives being transformed by the power of God’s Word. The church hopes to start a Bible institute that will be supported by a church farm. In the meanwhile, Théo is one of many students in the Third World who are receiving their training from Central Seminary nearly free of charge.
Of course, Central Seminary still has students who move to Minneapolis. Joseph is one of our M.Div. students. Joseph grew up going to church, and from an early age he wanted to learn more about the Bible. He felt God’s call to ministry between his junior and senior years in college. Joseph plans to marry this coming May. In the meanwhile, he takes courses to prepare for pastoral ministry. He says that his education at Central Seminary is “super beneficial” as he anticipates full-time pastoral ministry.
Some of our students live in impoverished countries and live on subsistence wages. They can pay almost nothing for seminary training. Others of our students live in North America and have good jobs, but even they would go broke if they had to pay the full cost of their education. All of our students rely on donors like you. They trust the Lord to use people who will invest in their future ministries to cover the cost of their education.
Central Seminary is a great value for our students. It is also a great value for donors. As Doug McLachlan used to say, “We’re not fat cats.” We are careful with your money. We plan and budget deliberately to live within the Lord’s provision.
One donor is so convinced of the value of Central Seminary that he has put up $50,000 as a matching gift. If you give to Central Seminary for Give to the Max, your gift will automatically be doubled. Together, we can turn $50,000 into $100,000. This matching gift is a tremendous opportunity to help students who are preparing to serve the Lord in ministry for the rest of their lives.
Will you help us train future pastors and missionaries? We have made it convenient for you to donate in three ways. First, you can “Give to the Max” securely any time this month by following the link here. You can also give toward WCTS AM-1030 at Second, if you prefer to give by phone, you can reach Central Seminary on weekdays at (763) 417-8250. Third, you can mail a gift to Central Seminary at 900 Forestview Ln N, Plymouth, MN 55441. Thank you for helping us in God’s work of preparing pastors and missionaries.
What Shall We Offer Our Good Lord?
August Gottlieb Spangenberg (1704–1792); tr. John Wesley (1703–1791)
What shall we offer our good Lord,
Poor nothings! for His boundless grace!
Fain would we His great name record,
And worthily set forth His praise.
Great object of our growing love,
To whom our more than all we owe,
Open the fountain from above,
And let it our full souls o’erflow.
So shall our lives Thy power proclaim,
Thy grace for every sinner free;
Till all mankind shall learn Thy name,
Shall all stretch out their hands to Thee.
Open a door which earth and hell
May strive to shut, but strive in vain;
Let Thy Word richly in us dwell,
And let our gracious fruit remain.
O multiply the sower’s seed!
And fruit we every hour shall bear,
Throughout the world Thy Gospel spread,
Thy everlasting truth declare.
We all, in perfect love renewed,
Shall know the greatness of Thy power;
Stand in the temple of our God,
As pillars, and go out no more.

What a Trump Win Means
Conservative Christians throughout the United States are breathing a collective sigh of relief at the re-election of Donald Trump to the presidency. The reason is not that we are inveterate Trump supporters—far from it. Our expectations of his presidency are low. He is not the man to restore the moral fiber of our civilization. He will not return us to civility or bring an advance in reasoned discourse.
But then, we did not choose Trump primarily for what he is. We chose him for what he is not. In most elections of the past, we would not have voted for him. So why did we now?
One reason is that four years of incompetence, corruption, and radical ideology are enough. Biden, Harris, and their cronies gave us galloping inflation, military chaos, a porous border, rampant crime, divisive identity politics, and a weaponized legal system. Trump is not a paragon of order but compared to the past four years he looks positively OCD.
Another reason is that we have seen what the Left has tried to do to Trump. With the legacy media providing cover, they have reviled him at every opportunity. They have raided his home. They have engineered selective criminal prosecutions out of whole cloth. They have depicted him as such a threat to the country that multiple attempts have been made on his life. We watched as these things happened. We saw the unfairness of it all, and we could not escape the sense that anything the Left could do to Trump, they would eventually do to us.
Putting Tim Walz on the ballot only reinforced that perception. Walz is the guy who tried to promote gender confusion in the schools, even placing tampons in the boys’ restrooms. He told teachers to hide students’ gender confusion from their parents. He made it illegal for parents to refuse gender mutilation for their children. He weaponized Minnesota’s social services to pull kids out of homes where parents discouraged gender mutilation. He has made Minnesota into a state where normal parents have to live in fear. No wonder Harris and Walz received fewer votes from Minnesotans in 2024 than Harris and Biden got in 2020, while Trump received more.
Walz also enshrined abortion in Minnesota. With control of both houses of the legislature, he and his cronies passed laws to allow abortion up to the moment of birth. He has made Minnesota a destination for women who want abortions, and he has also turned Minnesota into a sanctuary for abortion seekers.
What Walz did in Minnesota, Harris and Walz were going to try to do at the national level. If they had been elected, they would also have tried to eliminate religious exemptions on these and similar issues. The Left is all about forcing people at gunpoint (every governmental ordinance and law is enforced at gunpoint). Harris and Walz wanted to force us to pretend. We would be made to pretend that a fetus is not a child, that two people of the same sex can marry each other, and that a man can be a woman and vice versa.
In some cases, Trump will also force us to pretend. He is the first president to be elected (in 2016) while publicly endorsing same-sex marriage. With Trump, however, there is at least some possibility that religious protections might remain in place. Under his administration, for example, Christian organizations might not be forced to pay for their employee’s abortions. Christian adoption agencies might not be put out of business for refusing to place children with same-sex couples. Artists of different sorts might not be prosecuted for refusing to celebrate events that are contrary to their consciences.
We also had other reasons for choosing Trump over Harris. Trump is less likely to interfere with our right to self-defense. He is more likely to uphold our property rights against radical ecotopians and predatory regulatory agencies. He is more likely to crack down on crime, and he is far more likely to defend the country from foreign invasion (whether armed or not). He has shown himself to be a friend of Israel. He has demonstrated his willingness to appoint judges who respect what the Constitution says, rather than what they wish it might say. Furthermore, as we learned from his first administration, Trump does not make promises that he does not intend to keep.
President Trump does not have the ability to fix our country. He is not the Messiah, and he will not lead us in either a civic or religious revival. Things may get worse rather than better under his presidency. But they should get worse at a slower rate than they would have under a Harris-Walz administration. President Trump cannot cure the disease, but he can temporarily ease some of the symptoms.
Curing the disease must begin with us. A Trump administration gives us a short reprieve, nothing more. We need to remember that the problems in our civilization cannot be addressed by mere legislation and enforcement. Law that is not felt in the heart does not hold power. Our job—not Trump’s—is to address the hearts of our friends and neighbors.
This essay is by Kevin T. Bauder, Research Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
When All Thy Mercies, O My God
Joseph Addison (1672–1719)
When all Thy mercies, O my God,
My rising soul surveys,
Transported with the view, I’m lost
In wonder, love, and praise.
Unnumber’d comforts on my soul
Thy tender care bestow’d,
Before my infant heart conceived
From whom those comforts flow’d.
When in the slippery paths of youth
With heedless steps I ran,
Thine arm, unseen, convey’d me safe,
And led me up to man.
Ten thousand thousand precious gifts
My daily thanks employ;
Nor is the least a cheerful heart,
That tastes those gifts with joy.
Through ev’ry period of my life
Thy goodness I’ll pursue;
And after death, in distant worlds,
The glorious theme renew.
Through all eternity, to Thee
A grateful song I’ll raise;
But oh, eternity’s too short
To utter all Thy praise.