Master of Arts (Theology)

Biblical Studies or Biblical Worldview

The purpose of the Master of Arts (Theology) program is to develop students’ theological competency and practical skills in order that they might minister more effectively in support roles within their local churches.


You want to minister more effectively in your church, but you don’t know how. You know the Bible has answers; you’re just not sure how to provide them. Maybe you’ve been given the chance to teach. It’s been exciting, but you are discovering that it’s difficult to present anything with depth. You’re just not sure how to make the connections and present the truth.

The Master of Arts could be the solution for which you are looking. With two tracks, one in Biblical Studies and one in Biblical Worldview, it is customizable, so that you can prepare for the ministry God has given you. The Master of Arts is a great start. You will begin obtaining the tools you need to make use of the power of the Word of God.


Applicants must hold a recognized four-year bachelor’s degree with a minimum GPA of 2.0. Applicants with a GPA greater than or equal to 2.0 but less than 2.5 will be accepted on probation. See catalog for more details.



The M.A.T. degree consists of 36 credit hours: 18 credits form the core, while 18 credits form the concentration. Students in any concentration will take the following courses.

M.A.T. Core (18 Hours)


Capstone Project (2 hours)

Bible Exposition (2 hours)
    BI 571 Hermeneutics – 2

Systematic Theology & Research (14 hours)

    ST 511 Research and Writing – 2
    ST 501 Systematic Theology 1 – 3
    ST 502 Systematic Theology 2 – 3
    ST 503 Systematic Theology 3 – 3
    ST 504 Systematic Theology 4 – 3


M.A.T. Concentration (18 Hours)


M.A.T. in Biblical Studies

    Required Courses (12 hours)

    BI 544  Acts – 2
    BI 545 Romans – 2
    NT 511 NTI – 3
    OT 511 OTI – 3
    ST 701 Dispensationalism – 2

    Elective Courses (6 hours)


M.A.T. in Biblical Worldview

    Required Courses (11 hours)

    ST 630 Theology as Life – 3
    ST 520 Christian Ethics – 2
    HT 000  Historical Theology – 2
    ST 623 Kingdom of God – 2
    BI 518  Job – 2

    Elective Courses (7 hours)


Independent Study (up to 4 hours)

An independent study course may be substituted for an elective course.