Doctor of Ministry
The purpose of the Doctor of Ministry program is to enable students to increase their theological and ministerial skills as spiritual Christian leaders.
Doctor of Ministry
The purpose of the Doctor of Ministry program is to enable students to increase their theological and ministerial skills as spiritual Christian leaders.
Two Concentrations

Doctor of Ministry in Public Ministry
Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling

Public Ministry
The goal of the public ministry concentration is to enable the student to receive advanced training in biblical exposition for public ministry.
Biblical Counseling
The goal of the biblical counseling concentration is to provide advanced training in biblical counseling.
Core Classes
DM 800 Creation, Sex, and Gender
This course develops a biblical understanding of human marriage, sex, and gender, grounding that understanding in the doctrine of creation and tracing it through both testaments. This biblical understanding then becomes the mechanism for evaluating contemporary redefinitions of these concepts.
DM 801 Affections, Identity, and Idolatry
This course explores the idea of human personhood and develops a biblical understanding of the role of affections, along with the cognitive understanding and the volition, in shaping human identity, then addresses the problem of inordinate affection as the ground of idolatry. This course also explores biblically and historically Christian ways of understanding personhood and shaping the affections.

Concentration Focus

Public Ministry
Biblical Counseling
DM 809 Preaching Poems, Proverbs, and Parables
This course develops understanding and skill in the exegesis and exposition of biblical poetic, wisdom, and parabolic literature.
DM 813 Preaching Narrative
This course develops understanding and skill in the exegesis and exposition of the narrative passages of scripture.
DM 814 Preaching Prophetic Literature
This course develops understanding and skill in the exegesis and exposition of the prophetic passages in Scripture.
DM 861 Theory and Practice of Public Worship
A practicum seeking to study and apply the principles that regulate Christian worship, evaluate the history of their development and application, and respond to their principle challenges, as these matters pertain to the life of local churches in the contemporary environment.
DM 886 Public Defense of the Faith
This course prepares ministers at an advanced level to address contemporary challenges within their own churches and communities to the Christian system of faith and practice.
DM 830 Biblical Framework Counseling and Mental Disorders
This seminar course will provide an exposition of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation to reveal a biblical framework model of counseling by which to evaluate the common to complex issues of life. It also demonstrates an in-depth use of the biblical framework model to evaluate and address the defining features of mental disorders presented in the DSM-5 and future revisions that will come.
DM 831 Biblical Counseling Diagnostics and Methodologies
This seminar course will provide biblical theological diagnostics along with biblical theological methodologies for counseling people accordingly in various aspects of life. It also teaches students how to develop appropriate homework that will help individuals work through various issues of life according to Scripture. Prerequisite: DM 830 Biblical Framework Counseling and Mental Disorders.
DM 832 Addressing Common and Complex Problems through Biblical Counseling
This seminar course will explore various problems individuals face in life from the common to the complex. It also provides various biblical avenues by which to help individuals address these issues accordingly.
DM 833 Biblical Analysis and Process of Addressing Conflict
This seminar course will explore what it means to develop, have, and maintain a community of peace within the local church as described and prescribed in Scripture. It also provides a biblical theological framework by which to identify and address conflict within the body of Christ.
DM 839 Addressing Common and Complex Problems Women Face through Biblical Counseling
This seminar course will explore various problems women face in life from the common to the complex. It also provides various biblical avenues by which to help women address these issues accordingly (for women only as requested).
One Program
Two Concentrations
The entirety of the D.Min. can be completed in residence or through our distance education option! Our synchronous setup allows distance students to be live in the classroom. All you need is your computer and a good internet connection to attend class.
To gain admission into the program, the applicant must meet the following qualifications:
- The student must have graduated from a recognized institution with an M.Div. degree or its equivalent.
- Normally, the applicant’s transcripts must show an average minimum grade of B during his M.Div. studies. A limited number of students with an average grade lower than B may be admitted on a probationary basis, if otherwise acceptable.
- The applicant must normally have completed 3 years of significant vocational ministry (paid or unpaid) or logged at least 100 hours of biblical counseling subsequent to receiving the M.Div. degree.
- Applicants must demonstrate growth and competence in church or parachurch ministry and leadership. They must give evidence of the potential to minister effectively while successfully completing doctoral studies.
- Applicants must be engaged in vocational ministry when entering the program. If at any time they leave vocational ministry, they may be suspended from the program.
- Applicants must secure the endorsement of their church or another ministry to pursue the Doctor of Ministry program. References from others who know their ministry will also be required. Forms are provided and procedures are specified in the application packet.
- The applicant may be required to pass an entrance interview with a faculty committee. In some cases, the student may be granted provisional acceptance and the interview may be held in connection with the student’s first seminar.
- The applicant must demonstrate the ability to use the English language with skill and precision. Normally, the applicant will submit a 1500-word philosophy of ministry or biblical counseling paper in proper Turabian form.
- At the faculty’s discretion, the applicant may be required to pass a written examination of academic, theological, and biblical competence.
- The applicant must meet all spiritual and doctrinal requirements for general admission into Central Baptist Theological Seminary.
Central Seminary is not obligated to grant admission to any student, even if he or she possesses all of the above qualifications. Enrollment in the program is a privilege and not a right. The decision of the seminary will be influenced by several factors, including the number of openings available in the program and the likelihood that the student will contribute to the aims of Central Seminary and the intellectual and spiritual advancement of fellow students.
*See Doctor of Ministry handbook for all admission requirements
Two Concentrations

Doctor of Ministry in Public Ministry
Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling
Public Ministry
The goal of the public ministry concentration is to enable the student to receive advanced training in biblical exposition for public ministry.
Biblical Counseling
The goal of the biblical counseling concentration is to provide advanced training in biblical counseling.
Core Classes
DM 800 Creation, Sex, and Gender
This course develops a biblical understanding of human marriage, sex, and gender, grounding that understanding in the doctrine of creation and tracing it through both testaments. This biblical understanding then becomes the mechanism for evaluating contemporary redefinitions of these concepts.
DM 801 Affections, Identity, and Idolatry
This course explores the idea of human personhood and develops a biblical understanding of the role of affections, along with the cognitive understanding and the volition, in shaping human identity, then addresses the problem of inordinate affection as the ground of idolatry. This course also explores biblically and historically Christian ways of understanding personhood and shaping the affections.

Concentration Focus

DM 809 Preaching Poems, Proverbs, and Parables
This course develops understanding and skill in the exegesis and exposition of biblical poetic, wisdom, and parabolic literature.
DM 813 Preaching Narrative
This course develops understanding and skill in the exegesis and exposition of the narrative passages of scripture.
DM 814 Preaching Prophetic Literature
This course develops understanding and skill in the exegesis and exposition of the prophetic passages in Scripture.
DM 861 Theory and Practice of Public Worship
A practicum seeking to study and apply the principles that regulate Christian worship, evaluate the history of their development and application, and respond to their principle challenges, as these matters pertain to the life of local churches in the contemporary environment.
DM 886 Public Defense of the Faith
This course prepares ministers at an advanced level to address contemporary challenges within their own churches and communities to the Christian system of faith and practice.
DM 830 Biblical Framework Counseling and Mental Disorders
This seminar course will provide an exposition of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation to reveal a biblical framework model of counseling by which to evaluate the common to complex issues of life. It also demonstrates an in-depth use of the biblical framework model to evaluate and address the defining features of mental disorders presented in the DSM-5 and future revisions that will come.
DM 831 Biblical Counseling Diagnostics and Methodologies
This seminar course will provide biblical theological diagnostics along with biblical theological methodologies for counseling people accordingly in various aspects of life. It also teaches students how to develop appropriate homework that will help individuals work through various issues of life according to Scripture. Prerequisite: DM 830 Biblical Framework Counseling and Mental Disorders.
DM 832 Addressing Common and Complex Problems through Biblical Counseling
This seminar course will explore various problems individuals face in
life from the common to the complex. It also provides various biblical avenues by which to help individuals address these issues accordingly.
DM 833 Biblical Analysis and Process of Addressing Conflict
This seminar course will explore what it means to develop, have, and maintain a community of peace within the local church as described and prescribed in Scripture. It also provides a biblical theological framework by which to identify and address conflict within the body of Christ.
DM 839 Addressing Common and Complex Problems Women Face through Biblical Counseling
This seminar course will explore various problems women face in life from the common to the complex. It also provides various biblical avenues by which to help women address these issues accordingly (for women only as requested).
One Program
Two Concentrations
The entirety of the D.Min. can be completed in residence or through our distance education option! Our synchronous setup allows distance students to be live in the classroom. All you need is your computer and a good internet connection to attend class.
To gain admission into the program, the applicant must meet the following qualifications:
- The student must have graduated from a recognized institution with an M.Div. degree or its equivalent.
- Normally, the applicant’s transcripts must show an average minimum grade of B during his M.Div. studies. A limited number of students with an average grade lower than B may be admitted on a probationary basis, if otherwise acceptable.
- The applicant must normally have completed 3 years of significant vocational ministry (paid or unpaid) or logged at least 100 hours of biblical counseling subsequent to receiving the M.Div. degree.
- Applicants must demonstrate growth and competence in church or parachurch ministry and leadership. They must give evidence of the potential to minister effectively while successfully completing doctoral studies.
- Applicants must be engaged in vocational ministry when entering the program. If at any time they leave vocational ministry, they may be suspended from the program.
- Applicants must secure the endorsement of their church or another ministry to pursue the Doctor of Ministry program. References from others who know their ministry will also be required. Forms are provided and procedures are specified in the application packet.
- The applicant may be required to pass an entrance interview with a faculty committee. In some cases, the student may be granted provisional acceptance and the interview may be held in connection with the student’s first seminar.
- The applicant must demonstrate the ability to use the English language with skill and precision. Normally, the applicant will submit a 1500-word philosophy of ministry or biblical counseling paper in proper Turabian form.
- At the faculty’s discretion, the applicant may be required to pass a written examination of academic, theological, and biblical competence.
- The applicant must meet all spiritual and doctrinal requirements for general admission into Central Baptist Theological Seminary.
Central Seminary is not obligated to grant admission to any student, even if he or she possesses all of the above qualifications. Enrollment in the program is a privilege and not a right. The decision of the seminary will be influenced by several factors, including the number of openings available in the program and the likelihood that the student will contribute to the aims of Central Seminary and the intellectual and spiritual advancement of fellow students.
*See Doctor of Ministry handbook for all admission requirements