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A Note From One of Our Students 


To the Donors of CBTS,

My name is Nick, and I am writing to thank you for your donations to the cause of needy students such as myself. I am currently pursuing a Master’s Degree of Biblical Counseling from Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Upon graduation, my goal is to become a pastor of biblical counseling and to establish a counseling ministry in my local church setting. As I press forward in my studies, I become more convinced of the need for biblical counsel to be offered to believers who are struggling with life’s issues. And as I gain more knowledge and insight in this field, I have been able to share what I’ve learned and impact the way others approach God’s Word. It’s been an amazing experience.

I am officially half-way through my degree at this point, with an anticipated graduation in May of 2025 – there is still a ways to go yet, but progress is being made. As I continue through my degree, I have been challenged academically, spiritually, and financially. As my course load increases, so does my financial burden. In this season, I am more mindful to trust God to provide for me. It’s been a very difficult thing to do, but God is revealing to me my great need to do just that. I do believe that God is a God who provides what we need, and more (Psalm 23:5). It is because of your generosity that my financial burden has been lightened. I know this to be a providential blessing of God through donors such as you. I thank you for being willing to share your treasures with students that you have never met. Be assured that your gifts make a great deal of difference in our lives.

Please consider praying for me as I continue my studies; it is my desire to know and love God more than anything else, and studies – even seminary studies – can sometimes crowd out the love of God. Pray that my love for Him only increases throughout my studies.

Thank you again for your generosity and kindness.

Blessings in Christ,


Thank you to all who partner with us.

Leadership Giving

The development program of Central Seminary, called Leadership Giving, allows those who are committed to meeting the need of preparing Christian leaders to invest in the future ministries of seminary students. Participants give on a regular basis to the ministry of Central Seminary, whether it is monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. To participate in our Leadership Giving Program, simply indicate “Leadership Giving” in the comment field when you donate. Please feel free to email Ron Gotzman, Vice President of Advancement, anytime.

Legacy Giving

A second giving program of Central Seminary, called Legacy Giving, allows interested donors to invest in the future ministries of seminary students through other means. Participants can include Central Seminary in their estate plans through wills, trusts, or other planned gifts. To participate in our Legacy Giving Program, simply download our brochure below and return it to Central Seminary or email us at Please feel free to email Ron Gotzman, Vice President of Advancement, anytime with further questions.

Thank You to our Donors!

Central Seminary and WCTS have recently received the following memorial gifts:

Central Seminary

In memory of Charles Hauser:

  • Jim Todd

In memory of Paul Telloyan (and in honor of Samuel Telloyan):

  • John Telloyan

WCTS Radio

In memory of Joanne Skog:

  • Leland Skog

In memory of Geraldine Lokhorst:

  • Valerie Lokhorst

In memory of Ed Beals:

  • Bonnita Johnson

    In memory of C Raymond and Catherine Buck:

    • Thomas & Christina Larson

    In memory of Arnold and Elsie Larson:

    • Thomas & Christina Larson

    In memory of Shirley Brown:

    • Thomas & Christina Larson




      Central Seminary exists to prepare Christian leaders who love rightly, judge wisely, and lead gently.


      The Need:  The actual cost of educating our students significantly outweighs the amount we charge for tuition and fees. On average, each student pays only about one-fifth the actual cost of the education received. We depend on God’s people to make up the difference. Constituents who participate in our Leadership Giving program, for instance, help us to bridge the funding gap and assist us in preparing Christian leaders. Apart from the generosity of those like you, many of our students simply could not afford the quality education that Central Seminary provides.

      The Work:  Active Students – Currently 140 students are enrolled in the M.A., M.A.B.C., M.Div., Th.M., and D.Min. programs.

      Faculty: Gifted and qualified professors with pastoral experience provide ministerial education of the highest quality.

      Accreditation:  Central is fully accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS).

      Missions:  In addition to training students for global missions, Central sends professors all around the world.