New Release from Central Seminary Press

Central Seminary Press is pleased to announce the publication of Dispensationalism Revisited: A Twenty-First Century Restatement, a collection of essays written by leading scholars in the field of dispensational theology and edited by Kevin T. Bauder and R. Bruce Compton.
This book is a festschrift in honor of Charles A. Hauser, Jr., long-time professor and academic dean at Central Seminary. The authors are all former colleagues and students of Dr. Hauser, including many memories from his instruction and mentoring.
Copies are now available for order in print from Amazon and on Kindle.
Dispensationalism Revisited is also available as a free loan through the Kindle Unlimited service.
The Kindle version is a Print Replica to retain page formatting and numbering.

William D. Barrick is retired from teaching at The Master’s Seminary. He earned a ThD at Grace Theological Seminary.
Kevin T. Bauder is research professor of systematic theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis. His PhD is from Dallas Theological Seminary.
Roy Beacham is professor of Old Testament at Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis. He earned his ThD at Grace Theological Seminary.
Douglas Brown is the dean of Faith Baptist Theological Seminary. He earned his PhD at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
R. Bruce Compton is professor of biblical languages at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary. He holds a ThD from Grace Theological Seminary.
W. Edward Glenny is professor of New Testament studies and Greek at the University of Northwestern. He has earned a ThD from Dallas Theological Seminary and a PhD from the University of Minnesota.
O. Andrew Hudson is the pastor of Westside Baptist Church in Janesville, Wisconsin. He holds a PhD from Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis.
Ryan Martin is the pastor of Columbiaville Baptist Church in Columbiaville, Michigan. His PhD is from Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis.
Larry Pettegrew is research professor of theology at Shepherd’s Seminary. He earned his PhD at Dallas Theological Seminary.
Jonathan Pratt is academic vice president of Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis. He holds a PhD from Dallas Theological Seminary.

Preface by Kevin Bauder
- The Glory of God and Dispensationalism: Revisiting the Sine Qua Nons of Dispensationalism by Douglas Brown
- Literalism and the Prophets: The Case for a Unified Hermeneutic by Roy Beacham
- Israel and the Church: Is There Really a Difference? by Kevin Bauder
- Biblical Covenants and Their Fulfillment by William Barrick
- The “Kingdom of Heaven/God” and the Church: A Case Study in Hermeneutics and Theology by R. Bruce Compton
- Israel in the Church Fathers by Larry Pettegrew
- Acts, the Church, and the Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament by Andrew Hudson
- The Church, Israel, and Supersessionism by Ryan Martin
- Will Jesus Come Before the Millennium? A New Testament Answer from Revelation 20 by W. Edward Glenny
- The Case for the Pretribulational Rapture by Jonathan Pratt
Tributes to Charles Hauser, Jr. from Former Students and Colleagues
- Charles A. Hauser: An Exegetical Giant by William D. Barrick
- Dr. Charles Hauser: New Testament Professor, Servant-Scholar, Personal Friend by Douglas R. McLachlan
- Remembrance of Charles Hauser by Michael Grisanti
- Memories of Dr. Charles Hauser by L. Mark Bruffey
- More than a Seminary Education by Deborah R. Forteza
- Charles Hauser: A Friend and Mentor by Kevin T. Bauder
From the Preface:
“[D]ispensationalism is thought to be nearly obsolete by the academy. A generation or so ago, it was a dominant way of reading the Bible in North America; now it is decidedly a minority view, though varieties of it are still influential at the popular level. Consequently, the mainstream publishers are no more interested in books about dispensationalism than they are Festschriften.
Yet here we are, a group of academic authors publishing a Festschrift in honor of Charles A. Hauser, Jr. What is more, the book is devoted to a restatement of dispensational theology.
Why would we do such a thing? To this question I respond with four reasons.
The first reason is that we (the editors and authors) have all been affected by the ministry of Charles Hauser, and we all wish to render honor to whom honor is due. He did not influence us all in the same way, a fact that is illustrated by the various names that people called him. To his students he was always Dr. Hauser. To his colleagues he was Charles, Charlie, or even Chuck. To his family he was Chick. Whomever he touched, however, carried the marks of the encounter. He impressed people by his gentleness, kindness, forbearance, and devotion to Christ. Those who labored with him in the academy also saw him as a careful thinker.”
Charles A. Hauser, Jr. taught at Buffalo Bible Institute, San Francisco Baptist Theological Seminary, Denver Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary, and Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis. He was also academic vice president at the latter two institutions. His interest in dispensationalism is reflected in the subject matter of this book.