MacDonald Lecture Series
Every winter, Central Seminary conducts the MacDonald Lecture Series in Bible and Theology. This academic lecture series was created in memory of Charles MacDonald, Th.D. (1903–1971), beloved professor of pastoral theology at Central Seminary.
Our latest installment of the MacDonald Lecture Series was held on Tuesday, February 13, with Dr. Manfred Kober. The videos and notes from our Lecture Series are available below.
About Manfred Kober
Dr. Manfred Kober is a native of Germany. Born of Christian parents who perished as a result of World War II, he grew up in the war-torn province of Saxony, where he experienced Communist oppression firsthand. In 1952 he miraculously escaped to western Germany, leaving behind his relatives, including a brother and sister. Due to his background, Dr. Kober has a special love for America and a unique perspective on its place in history.
Dr. Kober received his Th.M and Th.D. degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. He taught from 1969 until 1999 at the Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, Iowa, chairing the Department of Theology. He also served as the research assistant for Russ Doughten Films and Mustard Seed International, a worldwide evangelism outreach ministry specializing in evangelistic Christian films and discipleship training.
Dr. Kober has contributed to a number of publications. He travels widely in a Bible conference ministry, speaking on such topics as prophecy, the Bible and archaeology, the Christian and his country, contemporary ethical issues and important issues facing fundamentalists.
Session I: The Good Hand of God (Video | Notes)
Session II: The Untold Story of an Uncommon Saint (Video | Notes)
Session III: Suffering Saints in Communist Countries (Video | Notes)
Session IV: God’s Providence in the Collapse of Communism (Video | Notes)
This is a large file (60mb) containing all of Dr. Kober’s Session Notes and Historical Scans (Newspapers, Pictures, Articles).
Hermann Wolf: The Untold Story of an Uncommon Saint by Manfred Kober
A transcription of Dr. Kober’s presentation on his godly grandfather, who during the end of WWII hid Jews in his home (in which Manfred lived).
About Dr. MacDonald
Academically, Dr. Charles MacDonald received a B.S. degree from Northwestern University, the Th.B., B.D. and Th.D. degrees from Northern Seminary, and a D.D. degree from Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis, where he taught the last four years of his life. From 1936 to 1939 he taught on the faculty of Northern Seminary.
Dr. MacDonald served three pastorates, at Elgin, Illinois, then eight years at Mount Morris, Michigan, and eighteen years at Lincoln Park, Michigan.
Past Lecture Series
2023 Matt Shrader
For our 2023 MacDonald Lectures, Dr. Matt Shrader gave a historical presentation of the beginnings and development of Northern Baptist seminary education in the nineteenth century. The lectures focused on both major events and the major theology (method and content) taught during this time, what these bestowed on the Baptist tradition in America, and what we might be able to learn from them.
2022 – Ryan Martin
Lecture Manuscripts
2021 – Preston Mayes
Lecture Manuscripts
2020 – David Saxon
2019 – Jon Pratt
2018 – Paul Hartog
2017 – Emmanuel Malone
2015 – Jeff Straub