Jon Pratt
VP of Academics & Professor of New Testament
Greek Reading/Syntax 1-2
Intro to Greek Exegesis
Principles of Greek Exegesis
NT Biblical Theology 1-3
New Testament Introduction
Gospel of John
JON PRATT was born in Minneapolis during his father’s final year as an M.Div. student at Central Seminary, and he trusted in Christ at an early age. He married Elaine in 1986, and God has blessed them with four children: Sarah, Emily, Christa, and Joshua. Jon served as the Assistant Pastor at Chisago Lakes Baptist Church from 1988–1993 and as an associate professor of Bible at Maranatha Baptist Bible College from 1996–2000.
Jon is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society. His personal interests include reading, playing soccer and other sports, and spending time with his wife and children.

B.A., Pillsbury Baptist Bible College
M.Div., Th.M., Central Baptist Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Dallas Theological Seminary
“Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books: A Review Article.” Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal 19 (2014): 105-13
“The Collected Writings of Dr. Rod Decker,” Journal of Ministry and Theology 18 (2014): 10-27
Heart, Soul, Might, (contributor) Central Seminary Press (2012)
“The Relationship Between Justification and Spiritual Fruit in Romans 5-8” Themelios 34 (2009): 162-78
“Sacrament and Ordinance: Aren’t They the Same?” Sola Scriptura 8 (2008): 40-45
“Infant Baptism or Believer’s Baptism?” Sola Scriptura 7 (2007): 54-66
“The Husband of One Wife” Sola Scriptura 4 (2004): 93-104
“Dispensational Sanctification: A Misnomer” DBSJ (Fall 2002): 95-108
“The Center of Paul’s Theology” Sola Scriptura 3 (2002): 101-107