Brett Williams
Provost / Executive Vice President
Senior Theological Seminar
Systematic Theology
BRETT WILLIAMS was born and reared in Littleton, Colorado. He was saved as a young man and has been pursuing ministry since he was a teenager. He holds degrees from Pillsbury Baptist Bible College and Central Seminary. He and his wife Naomi have three children: Evelyn, Lillian, and Lukyn. Brett pastored in Austin, Minnesota for ten years prior to assuming the Provost position at Central. He enjoys reading theology and philosophy, backpacking, anything that deals with mountains and jeeps, and spending time with his family. Dr. Williams’ primary influences have been Anselm, G. K. Chesterton, Isaac Watts, Martin Heidegger, and Augustine.
You can follow Brett on Twitter

B.A., Pillsbury Baptist Bible College
M.Div., Central Baptist Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Systematic Theology, Central Baptist Theological Seminary
“A Tale of Two Churches,” Baptist Bulletin (July/Aug 2014)
“The Future of Seminary Education, Part I,” Baptist Bulletin (July/Aug 2017)
“The Future of Seminary Education, Part II,” Baptist Bulletin (Sept/Oct 2017)