Theology Central

Theology Central exists as a place of conversation and information for faculty and friends of Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Posts include seminary news, information, and opinion pieces about ministry, theology, and scholarship.

New Republic Picks Up Donn Ketcham Story

Kathryn Joyce has written a long form report on the Donn Ketcham scandal for the New Republic. Her report includes details that were absent from the PII report, released about a year ago. Astonishingly, Wendell Kempton’s name is only mentioned once in the story. Kempton was president of ABWE at the time Ketcham left the mission.

The New Republic is a journal of opinion on the social and political Left. Those on the Right, however, are also noticing. Conservative evangelical blogger Tim Challies linked to the New Republic piece, calling it a “devastating article about abuse within ABWE.” Those who had hoped that the scandal would die down after the release of the PII report must be pretty disappointed.

I was present at the GARBC annual meeting when the National Representative announced that a beloved missionary leader had fallen and was stepping out of ministry. As I recall, the National Representative at that time served on the board of ABWE. He said nothing at all about Ketcham’s preying on children. To this day we don’t know how many Bangladeshi children Ketcham may have assaulted.

The scandal isn’t dying. It’s getting bigger.

“Who Made You the Authority?”

Central Seminary alumnus David DeBruyn notes, “The Internet has not only granted full democracy to all ideas, it has tended to flatten out all judgement, and scrap a sense of hierarchy of trustworthiness.” He adds, “The democracy of ideas is simultaneously the pooling of ignorance.”

These words sound like an attack on the Internet, but it turns out that they introduce a serious question: If we need authorities to know what is true, but we need to know what is true to decide who our authorities should be, then what is the solution?

Read the answer at Churches Without Chests.

Another Baptist school to surrender?

Alabama Baptist Convention affiliated Samford University is set to recognize a gay-straight student alliance Samford Together at the recommendation of students and faculty. While not full advocacy of the gay agenda, such an action certainly mutes voices of opposition to the gay lifestyle. Read about the impending vote here. Sanford is home to Beeson Divinity School and is the alma mater of Southern’s R. Albert Mohler. Hopefully Alabama Baptists will act decisively and sever its ties if the school sanctions this alliance.

Just a few rocks, please!

My friend Andrew Snelling, an Aussie geologist and Bible-believing Christian, has been denied a permit to study and collect geological samples from the Grand Canyon, despite the fact that he has received such permission many times in the past. I was a part of a study trip through the Canyon a few years back with him. It was a stunning journey through the handiwork of God. So much for the spirit of free inquiry.

Memorial Gifts

Gifts have been given in memory of the following individuals.

WCTS Memorials

In Memory of Loren Lundahl

By Ms. Barbara Russell

By Ms. Helen Jansma

In Memory of Linne Peleski

By Mr. and Mrs. David Sedgeman

CBTS Memorials

In Memory of Maxine Harmon

By Mr. & Mrs. James Anderson (Harmon Scholarship Fund)

By Ms. Virginia Dewey (Harmon Scholarship Fund)

By Mr. & Mrs. Le Roy Gilbert (Harmon Scholarship Fund)

By Mr. & Mrs. Dapo Lawoyin (Harmon Scholarship Fund)

By Ms. Linda Russell (Harmon Scholarship Fund)

By Ms. Adella Snell (Harmon Scholarship Fund)

By Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Lindsey (Harmon Scholarship Fund)

By Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Russell (Harmon Scholarship Fund)

By Ms. Betty Hess (Harmon Scholarship Fund)

By Dr. Jim Conrod (Harmon Scholarship Fund)

By Mr. & Mrs. Rocky Ranch (Harmon Scholarship Fund)

Evangelical Textual Criticism

For those interested in higher biblical criticism, check out this blog.


In a sense this question is no different from what philosophers have been discussing since the days of Plato. Intuitively, or naively, most people who think for a moment about the text and the various forms in which it appears, solve the question the same way as Plato did. Different manuscripts with their slightly different wording, and even different translations of the text in a wild variety of languages, all constitute different instances of the same text, a perfect idea reflected in the wordings of the various manuscripts.

Central Student Appointed Dean of Maranatha Seminary

Maranatha Baptist Seminary has announced the appointment of Mark Herbster as dean. A graduate of Bob Jones University and Heart of America Seminary, Mark is working toward his DMin at Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis. He has been best known for his effective evangelistic ministry. Our congratulations both to Mr. Herbster and to our sister institution, Maranatha Baptist Seminary.

Memorial Gifts

Gifts have been given in memory of the following individuals.

WCTS Memorials

In Memory of Loren Lundahl

By Ms. Barbara Russell

By Ms. Helen Jansma

In Memory of Linne Peleski

By Mr. and Mrs. David Sedgeman

Jack and John vs. Walt on Fantasy

Apparently, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien weren’t too keen on Disney’s understanding and portrayal of fantasy.

Dwarfs ought to be ugly of course, but not in that way. And the dwarfs’ jazz party was pretty bad. I suppose it never occurred to the poor boob that you could give them any other kind of music. But all the terrifying bits were good, and the animals really most moving: and the use of shadows (of dwarfs and vultures) was real genius. What might not have come of it if this man had been educated–or even brought up in a decent society?

Good for Cedarville!

There is an interesting article at CT today on Cedarville’s decision to apply Phil 4:8 to its teaching curriculum. I kind of think its a good move. Bully for Cedarville! Why would anyone object to thinking biblically in the classroom?

Memorial Gifts

Gifts have been given in memory of the following individuals.

WCTS Memorials

In Memory of Allyne Northway                              

By Ms. Gail Trandem

By Ms. Lynn Webster

In Memory of Janet Beals                                        

By Mr. Edwin Beals

By Ms. Gen Olson

CBTS Memorials

In Memory of Eloise Beacham                                 

By Mrs. Alice Wheeler

By Dr. & Mrs. Robert Milliman

In Memory of Lorna Erickson

By Mr. Clarence Erickson

In Memory of Steve Minor  

By Mrs. Alice Wheeler

In Memory of Tom Zempel

By Miss Barbara Russell

By Miss Helen Jansma

First Baptist Church, International Falls, MN

In Memory of Catherine Buck                                 

By Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Pedlar

In Memory of Raymond & Catherine Buck            

By Mrs. Shirley Brown

By Pastor & Mrs. Cary Flinck

By Mrs. Lorraine Wiese

By Mr. Mark Macres

By Kangwei Lee

By Dr. & Mrs. Douglas McLachlan

In Memory of Charles J. Amell                                 

By Catherine Schultz

By Charles Amell II

By Christine Mahan

By Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Thomas