Theology Central

Theology Central exists as a place of conversation and information for faculty and friends of Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Posts include seminary news, information, and opinion pieces about ministry, theology, and scholarship.

Warren Throckmorton on David Barton (Again)

I’ve occasionally written and spoken against David Barton’s largely fictional account of American history. Particularly egregious is Barton’s book, The Jefferson Lies, which was challenged by Warren Throckmorton and Michael Coulter in Getting Jefferson Right: Fact Checking Claims About Our Third President. Barton has been at it again, claiming a conspiracy to remove Christianity from American history. Throckmorton responds on his blog.

Hate Crimes

The FBI reports that anti-Jewish crimes account for 58.2 percent of all religiously-motivated hate crimes in the United States. Only 16.3 percent of these crimes were directed at Muslims.

The Seven Spirits of God

Ever wonder about the seven Spirits before the throne of God (Rev. 1:4)? Or the seven Spirits of God possessed by Christ (Rev. 3:1)? Or the seven Spirits of God symbolized by the seven lamps of fire burning before the throne (Rev. 4:5)? Or the Lamb’s seven eyes that are the seven Spirits of God (Rev. 5:6)? Here’s the meaning.

The prophecy of the coming Messiah in Isaiah 11 begins with these words:

Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse,
And a branch from his roots will bear fruit.
The Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him,
The spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The spirit of counsel and strength,
The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD.

That’s a bunch of spirits. Count ’em.

  1. The Spirit of the LORD
  2. The Spirit of wisdom
  3. The Spirit of understanding
  4. The Spirit of counsel
  5. The Spirit of strength
  6. The Spirit of knowledge
  7. The Spirit of the fear of the LORD

Of course, these aren’t seven distinct Spirits, but one Holy Spirit in His seven-fold activity. This passage probably refers to the theocratic anointing that characterized Old Testament figures who led the nation of Israel. Messiah will possess this theocratic anointing in its fullness and perfection: the seven-fold Spirit of God.