Theology Central

Theology Central exists as a place of conversation and information for faculty and friends of Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Posts include seminary news, information, and opinion pieces about ministry, theology, and scholarship.

Ralph Turk

While he never attended Central Seminary, Ralph Turk pastored in Minnesota and was for a while part of the Central Seminary environment. He was also one of the professors, and briefly dean, at the seminary I attended. One of the most memorable courses I ever took was a seminar in Kierkegaard that Turk hosted in his living room. It’s gratifying to see our friends at Dispensational Publishing House giving him some recognition and publishing some of his shorter work. Here are his “Ten Principles for Life and Living.”

InterVarsity Position Statement on Human Sexuality

This position is also going to determine employment with IVCF, according to Time. Download the position paper at  Scribd. Here is a sample.

It is important to distinguish between attraction and sexual behavior. Jesus was “tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin” (Hebrews 4:15). Presumably, this included the experience of sexual attraction. Sexual attraction, whether opposite-sex or same-sex, is clearly not sin, unless it turns into lust or improper sexual behavior (Matthew 5:27-28). Certainly, not crossing over the line into temptation is something we all struggle with. Specifically relating to same-sex attraction, the late apologist John Stott put it this way: “We . . . distinguish between a homosexual inclination . . . and homosexual physical practices” (Same-Sex Partnerships?).

Some devout believers are same-sex-attracted but seek to remain celibate (see Wesley Hill’s Washed and Waiting and Michael Ford’s Wounded Prophet: A Portrait of Henri J. M. Nouwen). They merit our praise. We can fail them by (1) acting as if we have it all together and are not broken in our own sexuality; (2) encouraging them to act unbiblically on their desires; or (3) condemning same-sex attraction as sin.

On its Facebook page, InterVarsity added the following response to the Time article.

You may have seen this evening’s article in TIME about InterVarsity.

We’re disappointed that Elizabeth Dias’ headline and article wrongly stated that InterVarsity is firing employees for supporting gay marriage. That is not the case. In fact, InterVarsity doesn’t have a policy regarding employee views on civil marriage.

We know that LGBTQI people have experienced great pain, including much caused by Christians. We also know that we ourselves each need Jesus’ grace daily. So we attempt to walk humbly in this conversation.

We do continue to hold to an orthodox view of human sexuality and Christian marriage, as you can read in our Theology of Human Sexuality Document at the bottom of the article.

That said, we believe Christlikeness, for our part, includes both embracing Scripture’s teachings on human sexuality—uncomfortable and difficult as they may be—as well as upholding the dignity of all people, because we are all made in God’s image.

Some will argue this cannot be done. We believe that we must if we want to be faithful followers of Jesus.

Within InterVarsity and elsewhere in the Church, there are LGBTQI people who agree with this theology, at great personal cost. We are learning together to follow Jesus.

Walter Kaiser on Private Property

From an Old Testament perspective, of course. This is Kaiser, after all. Read the whole paper at the Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics. Here’s an excerpt:

Scripture teaches that possessions and property may be acquired, for example, under certain conditions by way of reward. Thus even the ox is to remain unmuzzled as it tramps out the grain (Deut. 25:4) and mortals are similarly entitled to appropriate rewards for their labors (1 Cor. 9:9–11). Moreover, all deliberate withholding of wages that are due workers are roundly condemned (Lev. 19:13), because fairness and justice demands the proper pay for honest labor. On the other hand, any gains made through dishonesty must not be given any place in a believer’s life (Eph. 4:28; Prov. 11:1; 21:6; Hos. 12:7; Mic. 6:10–11). That is exactly how stealing is defined.

Possessions and property may also be acquired through inheritance (Deut. 21:16; Prov. 19:14), but even here there is a warning against discrimination (Deut. 21:16). Later on in Israel, only the eldest son received a double portion according to the Mosaic legislation, but this seems to be roughly equivalent to our laws that allow for the executor of the will (in addition to being an heir) to receive a larger portion than the other heirs who are required to pay the executor for the work of distributing the contents of the parents’ will.

Finally, possessions or property could be gained by industriousness (Prov. 10:4; 13:4; 14:23), wisdom (Prov. 3:16; 24:3), or by the development of insight (Prov. 14:15). The book of Proverbs, in particular, stressed the merits of doing a job with pride, satisfaction, and excellence (Prov. 12:24).

Charismatic Contradiction

“The incredible irony is that those who talk the most about the Holy Spirit generally deny His true work. They attribute all kinds of human silliness to Him while ignoring the genuine purpose and power of His ministry: freeing sinners from death, giving them everlasting life, regenerating their hearts, transforming their nature, empowering them for spiritual victory, confirming their place in the family of God, interceding for them according to the will of God, sealing them securely for their eternal glory, and promising to raise them to immortality in the future.”

–MacArthur, John F. Strange Fire: The Danger of Offending the Holy Spirit with Counterfeit Worship (p. xvi). Thomas Nelson.

Joint Catholic-Anglican Declaration

You can read the full text of the joint declaration by Pope Francis and the Archbishop of Canterbury. Here’s what may be the best line:

Much progress has been made concerning many areas that have kept us apart. Yet new circumstances have presented new disagreements among us, particularly regarding the ordination of women and more recent questions regarding human sexuality. Behind these differences lies a perennial question about how authority is exercised in the Christian community. These are today some of the concerns that constitute serious obstacles to our full unity.

China Imposes New Religious Rules

Read the law here. Excerpts:

Article 4: Individuals and organizations must not create contradictions and conflicts between different religions, within a single religion, or between religious and non-religious citizens; must not advocate religious extremism, and must not use religion to undermine ethnic unity, divide the nation or carry out terrorist activities.

Article 5: All religions shall adhere to the principle of independence and self-governance; religious groups, religious schools, and sites for religious activities and religious affairs are not controlled by foreign forces.

Article 6: All levels of people’s government shall strengthen guidance of religious work, establish religious work mechanisms, and ensure the strength of religious work and necessary conditions for religious work.

The religious affairs department of the people’s government at the county level or above are to lawfully carry out management of religious affairs that involve State or public interests, and the other departments of the people’s government at the county level or above are to be responsible for the management of relevant affairs within the scope of their respective functions and duties.Villagers’ committees and residents’ committees assist people’s governments and relevant departments in managing religious affairs.

All levels of people’s governments shall hear the views of religious groups, religious schools, sites for religious activities, and religious citizens, and coordinate the management of religious affairs so as to provide public services to religious groups, religious schools and sites for religious activities.

Article 19: Religious activity sites include temples, Taoist temples, mosques, churches (hereinafter temples and churches) and other fixed premises for religious activities.

Standards for distinguishing temples and churches and other fixed sites for religious premises are to be formulated by the religious affairs departments of provincial, autonomous region, or directly governed municipality people’s governments, and reported to the religious affairs department under the State Council to be filed for the record.

Article 20: Religious activity sites shall meet the following conditions to be established:

(1) The purpose of their establishment is not contrary to articles 4 and 5 of this Regulation;

(2) The local religious citizens have need to regularly conduct collective religious activities;

(3) there are religious professionals or other personnel meeting the requirements of the religoin who intend to preside over the religious activities;

(4) have the necessary funds from legal sources and channels;

(5) Have a reasonable configuration meeting the requirements of urban and rural planning, and not impeding the ordinary lives and production of surrounding units and residents.

Article 36: Upon affirmation by a religious group and reporting to the religious affairs department of a people’s government at the county level or above to be filed for the record, religious professionals may engage in professional religious activities.

Those that have not obtained or have lost religious professional credentials, must not engage in activity as religious professionals.

Article 40: Collective religious activities of religious citizens shall , in general, be held at religious activity sites, be organized by religious activity sites, religious groups, or religious school organizations; and be presided over by religious professionals or other persons meeting the requirements of that religion’s rules; and conducted according to religious doctrines and canons.

Article 41: Non-religious groups, non-religious schools, and non-religious activity sites, must not hold religious activities, must not accept religious donations, and must not organize citizens leaving the country to participate in religious training, meetings, activities and so forth.

Article 67: Where a religious activities site is established without authorization, or where a religious activity sites site that has had its registration certificates cancelled continues to carry out religious activities, or where a religious school is established without authorization, the religious affairs department, together with the public security organs are to shut it down and confiscate the unlawful gains or illegal assets if any; where the unlawful gains or illegal assets cannot be determined, a fine of up to 50,000 yuan is imposed; the illegal houses or structures, if any, shall be disposed of by the competent department for construction in accordance with law; and where there is conduct in violation of public security management, a public security administrative sanction is be imposed in accordance with law:

Where a non-religious group, non-religious school, or non-religious activity site organizes or holds religious activities or accepts religious donations, the religious affairs department, together with the departments for public security, civil affairs, construction, culture, tourism, cultural artifacts, and so forth, will order it to discontinue the activities and will confiscate the unlawful gains and illegal assets, if any; and may give a fine of between one and three times the value of unlawful gains; where a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility is pursued in accordance with law.

Analysis from Christianity Today here.

Central Student Saves Life of US President

Yep, you read that right. In addition to our for-credit students, we also have many individuals who audit or even visit classes. Several years ago, we had several men from Rochester who would drive up to audit night classes. One of them, Haidong Dong, was a research physician for the Mayo system.

Dr. Dong has been looking for ways to treat cancer. His team developed the drug that was used on President Jimmy Carter. Want to know more? Here’s the story from Mayo Clinic, and here is the story from a Rochester television station.

We are grateful for the contribution that Dr. Dong has made, and we congratulate him on the recognition that he is receiving.

How the Left Thinks

Gretta Vosper has been a minister of the United Church of Canada. The UCC has been an openly liberal denomination on a whole range of issues, but it has a problem with Vosper. She is an outspoken atheist, and a group within the UCC is challenging her qualifications to continue in its ministry. The Humanist magazine accuses the United Church of Canada of burying its head in the sand by “ignoring [the] growing body of secular spiritual seekers.”

No matter how far to the Left you go, there’s always somebody who is further Left, ready to accuse you of being a fundamentalist. You might just as well become a real fundamentalist to begin with.


It’s an ongoing problem, particularly for those who read much and write much. I admit to living in nearly pathological fear that something I write will turn out to be something I once read, which then became part of my mental furniture, and which I then repeated without ever remembering that the idea was not mine. Randy Alcorn discusses plagiarism here.