Until the Lord Shouts

Until the Lord Shouts

It is my sad duty to report that Caleb Counterman, a Doctor of Ministry student at Central Seminary, died suddenly on Sunday morning. He was driving his wife Jessica to church when his car hit a patch of ice. In the ensuing crash, Jessica’s life was preserved,...
Until the Lord Shouts

Give to the Max 2024

Give to the Max 2024 is happening now through November 21. It is a major event sponsored by GiveMN, an independent agency that coordinates this special giving event for all kinds of Minnesota charitable organizations. The event aims for a “statewide outpouring of...
Until the Lord Shouts

It’s Gratifying

Central Seminary typically offers two weeks of modular classes in the middle of each semester. During those weeks, professors do not teach their usual courses, but they don’t just take the time off. We have plenty of other responsibilities to keep us busy. One of the...
Until the Lord Shouts

Give to the Max 2023

In the Nick of Time comes to your inbox free of charge fifty weeks a year. We only talk to you about money during one of those weeks, and this is it. It’s time for Central Seminary’s annual Give to the Max event, and we’re going to ask you to...