Notes at the Beginning of the School Year

Correcting Falsehood

In a sermon preached in 1855, Charles Haddon Spurgeon quoted what he referred to as an old proverb: “A lie will go round the world while truth is pulling its boots on.” The substance of this proverb can be traced at least as far back as Jonathan Swift in...
Notes at the Beginning of the School Year

Central Seminary’s Doctor of Ministry

As a rule, pastors and other vocational ministers are more effective if they have been educated in biblical languages, biblical interpretation, Scriptural content, systematic and biblical theology, preaching, and ministry methods. While plenty of men have pastored...
Notes at the Beginning of the School Year

Another Year

Central Baptist Theological Seminary held its first commencement in 1957. Except for last year (2020) we have celebrated graduations every year since. As with other seminaries, last year’s ceremonies were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year,...
Notes at the Beginning of the School Year

Give to the Max 2018

Once each year Central Seminary uses In the Nick of Time to make an appeal. The reason is unique to our situation in Minnesota: the organization GiveMN features an annual giving event for all charitable organizations called Give to the Max. Central Seminary began to...