Roger Olson on Fundamentalism: Part Five

Roger Olson on Fundamentalism: Part Five

In a recent blog post, Roger Olson discusses the relationship between fundamentalism and secondary separation. In the comment stream that follows the post, Olson includes the following remarks as a critique of secondary separation. [W]hen the Conservative Baptist...
Roger Olson on Fundamentalism: Part Five

A Response to Criticisms: Conclusion

[Because we experienced technical challenges publishing this essay, we are publishing it again this week to ensure that all of our subscribers receive it.] In 2013, the American Council of Christian Churches published a “whitepaper” on The Bible Doctrine...
Roger Olson on Fundamentalism: Part Five

A Response to Criticisms: Preface

Ten years ago I authored a chapter and three responses for the book Four Views on the Spectrum of Evangelicalism, edited by Andy Naselli and Collin Hansen. My job was both to help readers understand fundamentalism and to respond to the positions represented by other...