by Kevin Bauder | Oct 11, 2024 | In the Nick of Time
Buying a HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) home can be a great money saver at the time of purchase, but it comes with a cost in labor. I bought one in 1998, and among its other problems it had a bathroom that sorely needed attention. The fixtures were...
by Kevin Bauder | Sep 13, 2024 | In the Nick of Time
God has entrusted humans with the responsibility of managing the created order. He made it and brought it to a significant level of order and utility, but then charged them with exercising dominion, thereby increasing its order and usefulness. While humanity has...
by Kevin Bauder | Sep 6, 2024 | In the Nick of Time
Sometimes human beings undervalue the created order. When that happens, they may bring disorder into the natural world because they begin to prey upon creation. This behavior is a reversal of God’s intention, which was that humans should continue the work of...
by Kevin Bauder | Aug 30, 2024 | In the Nick of Time
During creation week, God brought the world from a relatively lower level of order to a relatively higher level of order. In an unfallen world, humans would have continued this process of ordering creation as God’s sub-regents, exercising dominion and subduing...
by Kevin Bauder | May 31, 2024 | In the Nick of Time
It was never meant to be easy, this business of exercising dominion. When God blessed the first humans, he gave them the power to fill the earth and to subdue it. Yes, subdue it, like the sons of Manasseh were to subdue the land across the Jordan (Num 32:22), like the...