by Brett Williams | Dec 12, 2016 | Uncategorized
In the latest Helm’s Deep – Modern Trinitarian fads vs. Augustine, Calvin The Trinity is used in another way as a ‘model’ of being human. Moderns have postulated what have always seemed to me to be extravagant ideas about the imago as relations...
by Kevin Bauder | Dec 8, 2016 | ACCC, Fundamentalism, Open Letter, Reports, Uncategorized
Dr. John McKnight served as president of the American Council of Christian Churches for many years. He is a remarkable individual who falsifies the common perception that to be a fundamentalist is to be a Baptist. The church that Dr. McKnight pastors was known until...
by Kevin Bauder | Dec 6, 2016 | A. W. Tozer, Bauder's Reading, Devotion, Uncategorized
I refuse to worship anything of my own making. Tozer, A.W. Delighting in God (Kindle Location 302). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
by Kevin Bauder | Dec 1, 2016 | Bioethics, Ethics, Politics, Uncategorized
Building upon work by Peter Kreeft, Justin Taylor helps us think about a reasoned case against seeing abortion as a right. If I seem to be linking to a lot of Taylor’s writing, it’s because he has been doing some pretty good stuff. This essay is no...
by Brett Williams | Nov 23, 2016 | Uncategorized
John Witvliet, a scholar from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, presented an excellent paper entitled, “Protestant Suspicion of Liturgical Form: The Curious Case of Abraham Kuyper.” In his presentation, Witvliet explored Kuyper’s oft-changing and...
by Brett Williams | Nov 21, 2016 | Theology, Trinitarianism, Uncategorized
Epistemologist Kegan Shaw, from the University of Edinburgh (, presented a paper challenging the Ability Constraint on Knowledge Syllogism. The syllogism is as follows: If you know that p then you truly believe that p on account...