by Kevin Bauder | Feb 4, 2017 | About Us, Conferences, Ecclesiology, In the Nick of Time, Race, Theology
Jeff Straub introduces Emmanuel Malone, who will deliver Central Seminary’s Charles MacDonald Lectures. His topic is “Race and the Church.”
by Kevin Bauder | Feb 2, 2017 | Resources, Theology, Trinitarianism
Books at a Glance keeps a running bibliography of the debate about the Trinity. It’s in its 25th update.
by Kevin Bauder | Feb 1, 2017 | Logic and Argumentation, Philosophy, Theology
That seems to be what Joel Zartman is driving at. My point is not that Athanasius was not a Christian. My point is that committed and robust 4th century Christianity found the categories of Platonism extremely congenial, greatly so. It was how they made sense of...
by Kevin Bauder | Jan 28, 2017 | About Us, In the Nick of Time, Theology, Trinitarianism
De Trinitate by Kevin T. Bauder.
by Kevin Bauder | Jan 28, 2017 | Devotion, Ecclesiology, Hymnody, Music, Pastoral Theology, Theology, Worship
An extended biblical investigation by Central Seminary alumnus Chuck Bumgardner. Here is his conclusion: Now, these passages are not, strictly speaking, “prescriptive” (as we may think of that term); they do not command with an imperative that worshippers of God must...
by Kevin Bauder | Jan 27, 2017 | Bauder's Reading, Theology, Trinitarianism, What We're Reading
What we call “the doctrine of the Trinity” is, I suggest, a formal set of conceptualities developed like this: a set of conceptualities that finally allowed (or at least was believed to allow) every text to be read adequately. As such, it is not a “biblical doctrine”...