Acton University

Acton University

The last week of June, I had the opportunity to attend Acton University for a second time. Acton University is not really a university but a week-long conference held in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It is sponsored by the Acton Institute, and its focus is represented by...
Thinking About Immigration

Thinking About Immigration

The immigration policies and procedures of the United States are a mess. Anyone who has had to deal with the department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement knows that this agency is unpredictable to the point of seeming arbitrary. It sometimes feels like a Third...
Thinking About Immigration

On Knowing One’s Limitations

Nobody is omnicompetent. Nobody. At some point, everybody has to rely on somebody else for information, advice, and perspective. The trick is in knowing whom to rely upon. Most people gain considerable expertise in some one area. I had a friend who was an outstanding...
Thinking About Immigration

Those Pesky Premillennialists

[This essay was originally published on July 31, 2009.] Disagreeing with someone’s perspective is one thing, but dismissing it is something else. People can disagree respectfully. Respectful disagreement involves listening carefully to other individuals in...