Aftershocks of the 1983 Bob Jones Decision

The Supreme Court’s 1983 decision in Bob Jones University v United States cost the university its tax exemption. It may end up costing all biblical Christians considerably more. Samuel D. Brunson and David J. Herzig explore the possibilities in a lengthy paper...

Why Preachers Need to Be Trained

Preachers need to be well trained and able to speak clearly. They need to be able to rightly divide and apply the word of truth. They need to be able to study. There will always be the occasional Charles Spurgeon or Martyn Lloyd-Jones, who, with little or no formal...


Doug Wilson considers the role that tradition plays, particularly for those who think they don’t have one. The observation is part of a larger question about the relationship between biblicism and assumptions. Now given that absolutely everyone has controlling...

Eschatology in Matthew 19:28

Michael Vlach defends four doctrinal propositions from Matthew 19:28. Here’s the verse: And Jesus said to them, “Truly I say to you, that you who have followed Me, in the regeneration when the Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne, you also shall sit upon...