In Praise of Ordinary Men, Part Nine: Bill Bevis

Not My President?

In my first presidential election—that is, the first one I voted in—my guy lost. Since then, the people I voted for have lost presidential elections more often than they have won them. In the process I have gained decades of practice at living under presidents whom I...
In Praise of Ordinary Men, Part Nine: Bill Bevis

Food Pharisees?

There’s a lot of talk about gluttony out there. I mean a lot. Billy Graham wrote a Q&A about it. Joe McKeever rebukes it. John Piper tells people how to conquer it. Rachel Held Evans has compared it to homosexuality, and Kevin DeYoung has weighed in for the...
In Praise of Ordinary Men, Part Nine: Bill Bevis

Does Baptism Wash Away Sins?

The Texas morning was already warm and getting warmer. A friend had stopped by just to say hello, and I asked him how he intended to spend what promised to be a hot forenoon. He replied, “I’m going to go to the hardware and buy some ice cream.”...
In Praise of Ordinary Men, Part Nine: Bill Bevis

Further Thoughts on Building Community

[This essay was originally published on April 12, 2013.] In order for a church to function as a community, its members must develop relationships that touch all of life. The development of these relationships requires Christians to share interests outside of the...