How to Vote 2024

How to Vote 2024

The church’s place is not to address political questions. Rather, its work is to proclaim the whole counsel of God. Christian individuals, however, are responsible to act upon moral and spiritual concerns before they address merely temporal ones. Matters of principle...
On Becoming a Writer

On Becoming a Writer

Now and then, somebody will ask me what he has to do to become a writer (the he here is deliberate: I don’t recall ever receiving this query from a female). The question always seems odd since I do not consider myself to be one. Granted, I write, and some of what I...
On Becoming a Writer


[This essay was originally published on January 21, 2011.] Civility is in vogue again, at least for a few moments. The nation has been traumatized by another mass murder. A psychopath in Arizona cut down half-a-dozen innocent people, including a federal judge. A...