Most Interesting Reading of 2019, Part Two

Most Interesting Reading of 2019

Every year I try to publish a list of the books that I found most interesting during the preceding twelve months. Usually these are books that I have just read for the first time. Occasionally they are books that I’ve found either so important or so interesting...
Most Interesting Reading of 2019, Part Two

Tried With Fire: Finally: Mystery

The book of Job makes sense to us readers because we know what happened outside the story. We know that Job was a righteous man. We know that Satan slandered Job before God, and we know that God granted Satan permission to test Job. We know that Job’s sufferings...
Most Interesting Reading of 2019, Part Two

Tried With Fire: On the Shelf

Gabe was an old man. He had spent years on a mission field where his ministry had produced marked results. Now retired, his will to serve was strong, but his body was feeble. He deeply wanted to do something for God, but it seemed as if he could no longer do anything...