by Kevin Bauder | Mar 3, 2023 | In the Nick of Time
In a recent blog post, Roger Olson discusses the relationship between fundamentalism and secondary separation. In the comment stream that follows the post, Olson includes the following remarks as a critique of secondary separation. [W]hen the Conservative Baptist...
by Kevin Bauder | Feb 24, 2023 | In the Nick of Time
Fellowship (koinonia) is always a function of something held in common. What Christians hold in common is fundamentally the gospel. Consequently, Christian fellowship must never be extended to individuals who deny the gospel. Certain teachings and affirmations are...
by Kevin Bauder | Feb 17, 2023 | In the Nick of Time
In January, Desiring God posted a brief interview with John Piper discussing the question, “Where Do You Draw Lines for Ministry Partnerships?” Piper’s reply envisions Christian ministry associations as a series of concentric circles. In his...
by Kevin Bauder | Feb 10, 2023 | In the Nick of Time
Roger Olson asserts that the difference between fundamentalism and other forms of evangelicalism is secondary separation. I agree. But what does he mean by secondary separation? And does his understanding do justice to the idea of fundamentalism? Olson summarizes...
by Kevin Bauder | Feb 3, 2023 | In the Nick of Time
Roger Olson has been writing on fundamentalism again. Olson likes to write about (and usually against) fundamentalism. His remarks are helpful for several reasons. First, Olson is one of the most accomplished authors in the evangelical theological world. He co-wrote...