The Seventies: Part One

The Seventies: Part One

The 1970s are widely recognized as a period of American social and economic unrest. Economically, the decade opened with high inflation. Richard Nixon responded to this problem in 1971 with a freeze on wages and prices, among other measures. His interference in the...
The Seventies: Part One


[This essay was originally published on June 19, 2015.] The adoration of God is one of the most neglected practices in American evangelicalism. Many evangelicals could not even describe what adoration is. This neglect is unfortunate. Adoration is the most fundamental...
The Seventies: Part One

On Hope

The story that I’m about to tell is not about me, but to understand it you need to know that I am a chaplain in the Civil Air Patrol (the USAF Auxiliary).  You also need to know that one of the three missions of Civil Air Patrol is cadet programs. Cadets are...
The Seventies: Part One

They Matter

Day before yesterday I went to the gas station. I found that it was closing early because there weren’t enough employees to keep it open. The day before that I stopped at a favorite fast-casual restaurant, only to discover that their dining room was closed....
The Seventies: Part One

One Month Later

Just about a month ago both Mrs. Bauder and I tested positive for COVID-19. I wrote about that experience at the time, still under the influence of both the disease and its treatment. In retrospect, I believe that I’ve only been sicker once or twice in my life....