A Pastor’s Reading Plan

A Pastor’s Reading Plan

[This essay was originally published on April 15, 2016.] So you’re a pastor. You might be interested to know that the Schleitheim Confession, an early Anabaptist creed, specified that the first duty of the pastoral office “shall be to read.” The...
A Pastor’s Reading Plan

1 Thessalonians 5 and the Rapture

When answering a doctrinal question, competent theologians try to take account of everything the Bible says about that question. They will not, however, treat every relevant text equally. Some texts are more critical to a correct answer than others. Clear texts are...
A Pastor’s Reading Plan

Transitions in Ministry

I’ll be retiring this week. Partly. From one of my jobs. Let me explain. The vocation at which I earn my living is as a professor at Central Baptist Theological Seminary, but besides my teaching I have been pursuing three smaller callings. One is writing. One is...
A Pastor’s Reading Plan

The Agent of Illumination

Unsaved people in their natural state do not receive or welcome the things of God (1 Cor 2:14). Divine truth seems foolish to them because it is spiritually discerned. While they can exegete texts and can grasp what the Bible says, they cannot appreciate its relevance...
A Pastor’s Reading Plan

The Need for Illumination

Of the various doctrines related to Scripture (revelation, inspiration, canonicity, etc.), perhaps the most misunderstood is the doctrine of illumination. Most Bible believers agree that illumination is a work of the Holy Spirit in helping people (particularly...