The Foundations Baptist Fellowship International

The Baptist Paradox

[This essay was originally published on January 5, 2018.] Denominations are like cans of soup. Each can contains a different mix of ingredients, and the label tells you which ingredients to expect. The ingredients of the soup with the Baptist label are called the...
The Foundations Baptist Fellowship International

Jesus and the New Testament

Jesus cited, used, and endorsed every section of the Old Testament, whether law, prophets, or writings. Consequently, the Old Testament stands as a unit with His stamp of approval upon it. To reject its authority is to assail the authority of Christ Himself. The...
The Foundations Baptist Fellowship International

CCGG 2023

This past Monday, the First Baptist Church of Rockford, Illinois hosted its twentieth Conference on the Church for God’s Glory. The event is always held on the Monday before Memorial Day. It is a small conference, but one of the most useful that I attend. The...
The Foundations Baptist Fellowship International

The Biblical Writers on Inspiration

Christians affirm that the Bible was written by both human authors and a divine Author simultaneously. One of the most interesting consequences of this simultaneous authorship is that the human authors were conscious of the fact that they were writing Scripture. This...