Jeff Brown is an alumnus of Central Seminary who, with his wife Linda, has spent decades working in southern Germany. Here’s an excerpt from their latest prayer update:

In October we celebrated with the independent Baptist Church of Erlangen their 25 years of existence. We really had not anticipated that day when we began the church with a handful of people, but indeed, it arrived: to the joy of the church. Pastors Oliver meyer and Dr. Rolf Degel do a fine job of leadership, and the church has now grown to the point that the building, with a capacity of 150-160 people, is filled to capacity each Sunday. the church is also richly blessed with eight or nine capable preachers, spanning generations. The church has likiewise maintained its evangelistic spirit. BMM Co-workers Burdette and Mary Jane Bergen minister presently at the church in teaching, music, and children’s work. Erlangen’s second mayor was also present to participate in the celebration. She was especially appreciative of how the church had participated in helping refugees that have recently arrived in Germany.