Cosmophagy is a book of nature poems by David Oestreich. Here’s the blurb on the jacket:

If you sit up at night thinking about leaves realizing “they’re each alone / and out on a limb,” or wait for “each day to be sliced in half” – even if you don’t admit you do – David Oestreich is your poet. Like Thoreau, he begins by turning to nature; like Whitman, he sees every plant, every animal (even the newly-departed) as a brother. COSMOPHAGY is a love song to the earth, to language, and to you. Come. Listen. The voice you hear may speak to your own. | Benjamin Myers, Oklahoma State Poet Laureate and author of LAPSE AMERICANA, says: “With a sensibility deeper than the merely contemporary, David Oestreich is writing in the company of Herbert, Hopkins, and a great cloud of witnesses. These poems insist on the meaningfulness of creation, on the full weight of the logos, and they do so with romantic energy and classical wisdom. Here you will find that rare treasure: poems for those in love not just with language but also with the world residing just beyond language’s reach.”

You can order Cosmophagy at Amazon.