by Jeff Straub | Jan 15, 2018 | Uncategorized
Just last week, another high profile pastor admitted to a “sexual incident” when he was a youth pastor twenty years ago. He admitted his indiscretion publicly after which his church gave him a standing ovation for his transparency. He said the relationship...
by Kevin Bauder | Dec 22, 2017 | Central Blog, Uncategorized
Howard Merken at The Imaginative Conservative thinks so. It’s a quirky article, but worth a read. Merken focuses specifically on a Bob Jones University graduate and on Jerry Falwell. A conservative can do what he wants in a free country, and that includes...
by Jeff Straub | Dec 21, 2017 | Central Blog, Uncategorized
It was my privilege to study under Dr. Stewart Custer in the 1970s. He died last night at 86. BJU president Steve Petit wrote about him here. He was quite the man.
by Jeff Straub | Dec 21, 2017 | Central Blog, Uncategorized
Our blog has been on a hiatus in recent weeks as our website has been retooled. The new site launched yesterday and with it our new blog! We are grateful for the opportunity to keep moving forward. One bit of seminary news of interest to our readers. With our adoption...
by Brett Williams | Nov 1, 2017 | Textual Criticism, Uncategorized
An interesting forthcoming look at public reading and textual reliability in the early church. This will be on my list. I ultimately argue that communal reading events were already a prevailing practice over a wide geographic range in the first century CE, and...
by Brett Williams | Oct 25, 2017 | Epistemology, Philosophy, Uncategorized
Now suppose that I am looking at a bright red patch. I may say ‘this is my present percept’; I may also say my present percept exists’; but I must also say ‘this exists,’ because the word ‘exists’ is only significant when applied to a description as opposed to a name....