Horror Fiction?

C. R. Wiley asks, “Is Horror Fiction Immoral?” The answer is a bit surprising. “The horror genre may be the most morally-structured popular literary form we have.” Well, maybe.

Do We Need Rhetoric?

Joel Zartman says that we do, partly because we cannot trust ourselves. Read the whole thing at Unknowing. Which is why you need rhetoric. You have to be conscious of it if you want to do it at all well, unless you naturally do it well. It requires consideration, and...

Al Mohler on Economics

Albert Mohler offers “Twelve Theses for a Christian Understanding of Economics.” Read them at the Washington Times. Some economic systems treat the idea of private property as a problem. But Scripture never considers private property as a problem to be...

Thoughts on Imposing Beliefs

We often hear that we should not impose our beliefs upon others. In ways we agree with that statement–and in ways we do not. Ryan Dueck is not a fundamentalist. He is not even a conservative. He is a liberal writing for a liberal publication. But he has some...