Why Read Old, Pagan Books?

So asks Jason Baxter at The Imaginative Conservative. Here is part of his answer: Antiquity, then, especially in the Archaic Age, has become for us a kind of buried Atlantis, wherein we can potentially find truth and beauty of exceptional rarity. And the modern...

A Critique of Academic Publishing

Daniel Lattier insists that “Academics Write Rubbish that Nobody Reads.” Sadly, however, many academic articles today are merely exercises in what one professor I knew called “creative plagiarism”: rearrangements of previous research with a new thesis...

What Does College Cost?

The Chronicle of Higher Education has an interactive tool that allows you to find out what a college or university charges for room, board, and tuition. It will also display the data for past years back to 1998. By the way, some of the better fundamentalist schools...