God’s Presence in Hell

Here’s Paul Washer on hell: In modern Evangelical thinking, hell is often described as a place of torment outside of the presence of God. It is often said that heaven is heaven because of the presence of God, and hell is hell because of His absence. Although...

Paganism and the Charismatic Movement

John MacArthur comments: In much of the world, the Charismatic Movement indiscriminately absorbs the pagan ideas of local false religions into its theology. For example, in Africa, a traditional obsession with witchdoctors, demonic spirits, and ancestor worship has...

Sticking His Neck Out

John MacArthur on D. A. Carson’s theory of tongues in Showing the Spirit: If that interpretation did not come from one of the most respected academic authors of our day, it would probably gain no traction in any serious forum. But because of that particular...