Are Emotions Morally Significant?

Peter Leithart contrasts the answers given by Kant and Aristotle.  In Aristotelian ethics, the passions aren’t a matter of choice, not in the moment when we experience them. Yet, emotions can be trained. . . . We aren’t responsible for the momentary...

The Value of Accreditation

People sometimes wonder why schools spend so much time and money achieving and maintaining accreditation. CHEA–the Council on Higher Education Accreditation–is the organization that accredits the accreditors. CHEA has recently released two documents...

Like You’ve Never Seen Them

I’d never really thought about how taxidermists learn their craft. I’d never considered what amateur or failed attempts at taxidermy look like. What happens to taxidermy gone wrong? It gets posted to “Bad Taxidermy.” Yup, there’s even a...